
Jan 27, 2010 00:15

So it's been a while since I've updated in this thing for real. I mean...we're talking years.

That's a bit insane. And I'm a bit insane for staying up so late knowing damn well I need to get up in seven hours to go to work. But that's me, for you.

:chuckle: I have no idea why I'm writing in this thing after so long. I guess because no one knows I use this anymore. So it's safe pretty much. I miss my LJ. It was my life for a while there. I think I started it back when I was 16. And now I'm 23. Insane, I tell you.

I guess I'm using this to sort through everything that's been in my mind lately. The whole Dustin thing. The whole being single thing. Being a single Mom...having a 2 year old son. The whole moving into my own place but with my parents thing. Trying to get back into school to get myself back on track with my education. Being independent. Being smart with my financial decisions. Or at least trying to.

I want to write a book. I want to travel to certain parts of the world and all over the country with my best friend and sometimes by myself.

I want to fall in love a few more times. I want to see what I've missed out on all these years. I already know about what I was clued in on.

I want to learn how  to cook better and invest money. I want to learn more about cars because believe it or not they fascinate me. I

I want to get lots of great ideas for interior decoration. I want to lose a lot of weight and feel like I'm back to my old body. Flawed but okay with it.

I want to go to more concerts. I want to play with my son all, day once a week. I want to curl up with a good book most nights before bed.

I want to feel pretty. I want to feel smart.

I want to figure out what the hell kind of profession I want to be involve in. And I want to make decent money in that field.

I want to see Brenna be super ecstatic about something and get all crazy about it. Maybe a wedding?

I want my parents to pull themselves out of their rut. Finally.

I want to get my teeth fixed. Seriously.

I want to get completely out of debt. And have a decent credit score.

I want to go crazy somewhere and do something I never thought I'd do. And live to tell about it.

I want to meet new people and understand them. Find out what makes them tick.

I want to see all of the next HP and Twilight movies.

And I want to keep writing in this for a few more years, even if not consecutively. It's interesting to see how I've changed. :)
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