Today's prattle. Don't mind me.

Mar 05, 2007 15:58

okay, so I'm pretty damn sure Amy was doing that on purpose. That right now is the biggest thing eating me. But I'll get that out of my system in a moment.

Today in precalc, we did more artsy fartsy stuff, not that I'm complaining... I'm just not entirely satisfied with my drone like position. All I do is fold the tetrahedrons while Brittany, Sam and Brianna assemble the actual thing... and here was probably the first sign that today could get very long... the tape that they were using to attach the tetrahedrons together to make a bigger tatrahedron... it irritated me. I could see it. And I wanted so much to reach out and run my nail across it to press it down and try to make it more invisible-ish. But I managed to keep walking, taking note of only how unorganized it look and managed to walk out without verbally pointing it out. But I'm pretty sure that was the last of my sanity.

In Physics... I still don't completely understand how Mechanical Advantage happens. But seeing how machines just change the form and / or the direction of force, I suppose it has to do with support force being moved around and being taken advantage of... I keep planning on asking Harvey about it.

In Spanish.. a lot of tuning out. What can I say. The woman makes a subject that I loved last year into a dull torture session. Still thinking about whether I want to pursue it later... can't remember who it was, maybe Nate [new friendish thing... more on that later -- ha ha... I love how I make these notes and rarely follow up on them], but someone said that language minors suck because all it is is writing papers [ha ha... it is is... gotta ask Guldborg about that particular thing]... but would that wouldn't be too horrible would it if you can't actually say much? ^_^;; I have no ability to speakie spanishie.

In choir... it was good. Really discovering a little issue with our little monkey chain massaging, but... eh. One of those things in either a friends only or private post [again, more on why later]. But other than that.. in one song, we do this kind of scatter thing that we should have been doing at the beginning of this year, instead of 3/4 through... I'm curious as to how long until he tells us to just stay there for the rest of the songs. The weak voices aren't making an effort to be strong, ain' changing much by separating them. Just teaching the ones who are interested in getting better to believe in themselves and their messages more... it's almost easier, because you can find the weak spots a hell of a lot faster instead of going "did I do that or did that person next to me do it?"

At lunch, Schwanny and I did our normal complaint tirade... complained about little kids, I complained about how bothersome it is to have to try and be polite... in much more explicit terms than that. Specifically, I was disgusted with a girl in my section wearing pants that showed easily 4inches of well... what else would pants show without one really noticing. And I'm pretty sure no one's gonna show up at Graduation for me because I'm going to just go insane the last week of school. I'm gonna tell the girl to pull up her [explict] pants.. probably start a fight with Amanda, there I'll tell her to shut her [explicit] mouth and learn to have a little respect and maybe I'll attempt to like her... I 'unno if I can though. I've gotten so horribly judgmental this year... I can't possibly say this enough. I know I say it a lot, but the truth about Amanda is.. she looks like a pig to me. Seriously, red hair, body rounder than Twila [and trust me, you ain' seen round until you've seen Twila], and she's just got this scrunched up face.. constant look of disgust on it... I really dislike that girl.
And probably the most enjoyable thing about that last week of school will be shoving little kids. They are insane walkers. I abuse the word 'seriously', but this is just a time I have to use it. Because seriously, they ram into us and then they keep on goin' down the hall rammin' into other people. It's as if none of our schedules are nearly important as theirs. To top it off... you have people walkin' on the [explicit] left side of the hall on a turn that everyone makes. So they should just fuckin' walk with the flow in the damn middle! There are people who have to turn there going the opposite direction, but you turn that corner and you're almost ran over by a left lane runner! 's like grow some fuckin' sense you [explicit]. Ergh. Little kids irritate me. Because I know I was not like that. So... I figure we should use the extra money from graduation to make hallway signs. Like yield signs, lane markers, speed limits, and just general things and then put actual hall monitors out to kill any little shits who disobey the rules of the hallway.

But I digress.

In speech, I was just reading my book... but Guldborg wanted me to put it away just so I could listen to her prattle about some news about sports. -_- I'm half offended. I know she shouldn't be partial or anything, but she should know I'm always half listening. And another half offended because that's her business to prattle to the class about, but it's not actually something that is part of the class... when the class starts, then she can swipe me on the knuckles for choosing to read leisurely. Ergh... almost done with Ender's Shadow. I will start Harry Potter 6 tomorrow morning if it is the death of me. T_T My reading list is absurdly long somehow. We finally found Pride and Prejudice in the library, so I want to read that before the summer sets in and I'm stuck with my personal library, but Harry Potter 7 is coming out [god, someone shoot me before I read it, because I'm gonna cry. I don't care about the end, it's the end of an era and I'm gonna cry like a big baby... or laugh like I did at Star Wars 3] and I seem to have totally forgotten HP6. But to top it, I need to read Specials, the last in a trilogy, need to read Blue Noon or something like that by the same author as part of another series... need to read some other book which is the sequel to Twilight, one of my favorite books in the world. And I'm sure there are others... like Paolini's third book better be coming out this year, so I need to reread Eldest.. probably should do that soon since I hope to quote it as my Senior quote... -_- Guldborg hates me, can't she tell how busy my reading list is? 9_9

But okay, Amy.

In library 7th hour today.. I sat down, had Schwanny really quickly help me realize I totally booted out the end of a html tag... which it just now occurred to me why the music player doesn't play here in LJ... because LJ isn't as clever as Blogger to tell me that I'm stupider than all hell. *testing as I type this* But I got it playing on Blogger, which was awesome because it's my new playlist for MySpace which I haven't paid much attention to in about a month, therefore it got a half ass layout and some song... for awhile there there was no song at all. But over the weekend, I played with Pandora Internet Radio and found some really awesome music and was just totally psyched. So I made a playlist, uploaded it all yesterday -- I think yesterday... -- and made the player code and put it on both Myspace and my LJ. It didn't appear on my LJ so today at school I moved it to Blogger. But w/e. Schwanny got it to work and I would check on here.. but I forgot that I deleted the post, so I'll have to check after I post this because I'm too lazy to go find it and cut and paste again... -_-.
But she got it running and I started working on Spanish to it... until Hochalter came in and assigned magazine updating. I 'unno. I must have been charged with sudden energy to be productive, but I went psycho. Like... really. I was ripping my hair out over Kelsey putting the tape on half ass.. okay, I'm sure it was just wonderful to her standards.. but it made me cringe even worse than I did earlier in precalc. So I'm going fuckin' nuts over organization, flipping over magazines being put in the wrong bins, labels being crooked, labels upside down.. ect. So Amy comes in.. and starts almost making fun of me. Telling me that it's fine, that it doesn't need to be fine.. now this isn't really being made fun of, sure... but she's known me for how long?! Doesn't she just know to back off when I'm like this? I can't control when I go crazy.. but when I do, it's gotta be done. But to just add beautiful caramel to this ultimate meltdown... she starts pointing out the little things I'm doing wrong or missing. I suppose her theory is that I'll realize how far out of my league I am and give up... but it only makes me panic and start rushing, screwing up and continuing.. It never stops me. Like today, she pointed out a .9 AR book in the 2.0s... and it took every ounce of self control not to scamper over there, hunt it out and put it back... then she pulled out the Word Origins book and sighed "wow, look at this, just stuck in there..."... that's when I wanted to go over and slap her. I was so pissed off... it was then I realized that she was being stupid with me.
Later though, while I was pretending that the others didn't exist, in hopes that they'd ignore me -- which worked -- I over heard Sam mention to Amy that she certainly enjoyed trying to get under people's skin that day.. and that made me feel a little better that Sam both recognized how mad and irate I was and stood up for me just a little all without pinning me as a reason.

But... I'm done with that. Now onto those other topics that I touched and said I'd prattle more about later.

I think the first one I mentioned was the new friend thing, Nate. Random thing, he IMed first... really random. Never did figure out why, don't care.. he's pretty cool. 9_9 Habitual drinker, but he spares me which I appreciate more than I'm sure he'll ever know, which I plan to keep like that. But one thing I noticed, and forgot about as fast, upon seeing his full name... is that he has the same last name as Joe. The legendary Joe. The Joe I could write novels of praise about. The same. Last. Name. And guess what I realized last night... Joe's from MN. Nate's parents are in MN... coinkydink? I think not. So.. I don't think Nate IMed me over that, of course that'd be down right stupid. But the fact that they could be related... it blows my fuckin' mind into orbit. The fact that they're related could shed a little light on what to expect from random Nate dude [23], because it certainly matches up how... no real word to describe mannerisms he has. But looking for family resemblances is impossible. Joe's a freakin' bag of bones compared to this dude... and I'm trying to look for smaller things, like nose shape and sorts... but I can't find anything.

Next random thing... oh yea, like... my classmates have sprung up on Facebook. Like seriously sprung up. Over the weekend, I gained five people [one being Nate, so four] on my friends list. Why does this really matter? Well my LJ is RSS fed into Facebook since I'm too lazy to just copy and paste to the notes there... and before that was fine and dandy... because my friends on there either really didn't give that much of a shit about me, or I didn't care if they knew what I thought because there was nothing they could really do about it. But now there are people like Trisha and Cassondra and Chelsea on there. -_- I could see Cassondra reading occasionally and that half worries me. This is one of the few places I'm pretty vocal about what I think and do... I've never really felt a need to refrain. lol I remember the one time I totally laid into Schwanny... don't even remember about what, it wasn't until I got an eMail telling me that she left a comment that I went "oh shit.". But even then, she's always been a good sport about what I think and write... I'm just a little worried that these new possible "viewers" will not be so "sporty".

... and I think that's all for today.. so far.

schwanny, hallway, amy, physics, pre calc, ., books, people, ocd, schedule, new music, harry potter, nate, joe

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