(no subject)

Jan 06, 2007 21:15

So.. I 'unno how long ago.. My Trillian claims yesterday.. I really doubt it 'cause I don' remember.. quite seriously, I don' remember at all o_o... but this dude randomly IMed "l" to me.. that's it. And I sent a "...?" back like four hours later.. but he never replied meanin' he wasn' no bot or anything, so I added him to my friendslist to check out later [note for later.. he so just totally IMed again.]

But check this out Session Start (greeneyed6541:ADHustla56): Fri Jan 05 12:27:32 2007
[12:27] ADHustla56: l
[12:27] *** Auto-response sent to ADHustla56: Good God people. It's what time? Shouldn' you be sleeping!? Like ME!? HIBERNATE!! ... wow.. I just realized how many psycho freak out away messages I have.
[16:28] Greeneyed6541: ...?
[16:28] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
Session Close (ADHustla56): Fri Jan 05 16:29:39 2007

Session Start (greeneyed6541:ADHustla56): Sat Jan 06 19:12:44 2007
[19:12] Greeneyed6541: ??
[19:13] ADHustla56: yes
[19:13] Greeneyed6541: I forget who this is... >.<
[19:14] ADHustla56: probably cuz we don';t know each other
[19:14] ADHustla56: lol
[19:14] ADHustla56: i think i added u 2 dfays ago cuz i had to go to work and i wanted to talk to u
[19:14] Greeneyed6541: then how come you're on my list?
[19:14] Greeneyed6541: ooh.. I do recall about two people randomly msging me and then totally not goin' bot on me
[19:15] Greeneyed6541: >.< I get a lot of bots
[19:15] ADHustla56: bots?
[19:16] Greeneyed6541: ja.. things that will msg me and be all like "wanna trade picks ;)" I've noticed that they like eMotes a lot
[19:16] ADHustla56: oh lol
[19:16] Greeneyed6541: and then if I say anything in return, I get a novel of names with certain letters about three times bigger than the rest spelling out a website
[19:16] Greeneyed6541: and I couldn' figure out why this one simply said "I" and didn' respond to my "...?"
[19:16] ADHustla56: nah i don't care to see people naked unless they're in front of me
[19:17] Greeneyed6541: lol okay wow.. wasn' expecting that.. but suure
[19:17] Greeneyed6541: so where'd you pick up my sn?
[19:17] ADHustla56: on ur myspace i think
[19:18] Greeneyed6541: huh... then.. we should know each other then, because my Myspace is private and I'm pretty elitest about who makes my friend list
[19:19] Greeneyed6541: only one person on there that I don' know personally and I just have him added because he makes kick ass videos on Youtube
[19:19] ADHustla56: one second okay im tryin to buy the new Iverson sneakers lol
[19:19] Greeneyed6541: and even then, I'll probably boot him off in a week or so
[19:19] Greeneyed6541: lol okay..
[19:21] ADHustla56: yess
[19:21] ADHustla56: okay im back
[19:21] Greeneyed6541: good "sneakers"?
[19:21] ADHustla56: i love those sneakers
[19:21] Greeneyed6541: lol wicked
[19:21] Greeneyed6541: what's so special 'bout 'em?
[19:22] ADHustla56: 3 things
[19:22] ADHustla56: they look nice they look good on me and my fav basketball player is Allen Iverson
[19:22] Greeneyed6541: wow.. you mean he's still playin'?
[19:23] ADHustla56: yes why would u say something like that
[19:24] Greeneyed6541: because I'm a horrible excuse of an American teenager at times.. I remember back in fifth grade when our teacher tried to get us to read the paper more by letting us pick like three basketball players and follow them in the paper everyday
[19:24] Greeneyed6541: all the smart sporty jock guys in my class got all the good ones : Kobe Bryant, Shaq, ect.. I ended up with Iverson and two people I can' even remember
[19:24] ADHustla56: are u serious
[19:25] ADHustla56: iverson is the best player the league
[19:25] Greeneyed6541: eventually, turned out I was pretty lucky in picking Iverson.. got quite a few trade offers
[19:25] Greeneyed6541: eh.. don' follow.. I barely follow world news which I find more important that major league basketball.. more for baseball myself and even then it's just "woo.. Sox won?"
[19:26] Greeneyed6541: occationally football.. but only the Superbowl.. um.. sometimes the Olympics..
[19:26] Greeneyed6541: school business and unwinding business keep me a little too busy
[19:27] ADHustla56: (Link: http://www.myspace.com/ADHustla)http://www.myspace.com/ADHustla
[19:27] ADHustla56: basketball is a lot better than baseball so lets calm down(Link: http://www.myspace.com/ADHustla)
[19:28] Greeneyed6541: lol
[19:28] Greeneyed6541: nope, can't say I know you
[19:28] Greeneyed6541: wow.. this is crazy
[19:28] ADHustla56: do u wanna know me lol(Link: http://www.myspace.com/ADHustla)
[19:28] Greeneyed6541: lol I suppose
[19:29] ADHustla56: now u don;t have to(Link: http://www.myspace.com/ADHustla)
[19:29] ADHustla56: lol(Link: http://www.myspace.com/ADHustla)
[19:29] Greeneyed6541: you ain' tryin' to hit on me, you ain' strikin' me as creepy or anything..
[19:29] ADHustla56: i'll let u go(Link: http://www.myspace.com/ADHustla)
[19:29] Greeneyed6541: lol nah 's cool
[19:30] Greeneyed6541: like I said, no complaints yet
[19:31] ADHustla56: u know im cute so chill with that lol(Link: http://www.myspace.com/ADHustla)
[19:31] Greeneyed6541: lol eh.. cute.. dunno 'bout that
[19:31] ADHustla56: lol
(Link: http://www.myspace.com/ADHustla)
[19:31] Greeneyed6541: a bit to.. masculine to be "cute"
[19:32] Greeneyed6541: "cute" is somethin' I'd apply to one of my baby faced friends at school
[19:32] ADHustla56: then what am i
[19:32] Greeneyed6541: hm.. good question
[19:34] Greeneyed6541: I dunno.. I can say you're not fugly or anything of that sort but you're fishin' for compliments at this point and I think I might take satisfaction from denying them to you
[19:35] ADHustla56: im not fishin for nuttin i wanted to hear ur opinion
[19:35] ADHustla56: unlike a female i don';t need to bathe in compliments
[19:35] ADHustla56: i let my status do the talkin lol
[19:36] Greeneyed6541: lol
[19:36] Greeneyed6541: puh lease.. males love to have their egos stroked
[19:36] ADHustla56: lol
[19:36] ADHustla56: no i liked to have other things stroked
[19:37] Greeneyed6541: don' all guys 9_9
[19:37] ADHustla56: plz don't put me on the same pedestol as anyone else you'll just embarass urself
[19:39] Greeneyed6541: well isn' it normal? Gotta find some way to categorize you somehow so I can find some sort of comfort.. otherwise, I don' know how to react or what to expect from you
[19:39] ADHustla56: thats the good thing
[19:40] Greeneyed6541: I won' put you on any "pedastal" yet, but I'm certainly tryin' to figure you out still.. tryin' to figure out where you came from, figure out why and how.. ect.
[19:40] ADHustla56: cuz if u categorize me ur just lyin to urself
[19:40] ADHustla56: let me give u my own impression don't make one for me
[19:40] Greeneyed6541: if I did that, we probably wouldn' be talking right now
[19:41] Greeneyed6541: after all, my first impression was "bot" after all
[19:41] Greeneyed6541: bleh.. I hate when I forget what I've just typed.. I end up repeating like that
[19:41] Greeneyed6541: If we gonna be friends, lesson one for you : My short term memory SUCKS.
[19:42] ADHustla56: stop drinkin
[19:42] Greeneyed6541: ain' touched alcohol since I was in 10th grade, and even then, that was church communion
[19:43] ADHustla56: i guess
[19:43] ADHustla56: whats ur url in myspace
[19:44] Greeneyed6541: (Link: www.myspace.com/greeneyed6541)www.myspace.com/greeneyed6541
[19:44] Greeneyed6541: it's private, so not much you're gonna see
[19:45] ADHustla56: well send me a pic
[19:46] Greeneyed6541: think you've gained that many experience points with me?
[19:47] ADHustla56: what are u talkin about
[19:47] ADHustla56: nv, if thats so serious lol
[19:47] Greeneyed6541: lol
[19:47] Greeneyed6541: it ain' that serious.. just my parents caution finally rubbin' off a bit =P
[19:48] ADHustla56: well u really make a big deal out of eveything
[19:49] Greeneyed6541: I do? o_O?
[19:49] ADHustla56: yes
[19:50] Greeneyed6541: lol been talkin' to me for half an hour and you've already come to this conclusion
[19:51] ADHustla56: more lik19 mins
[19:51] ADHustla56: and yes
[19:52] Greeneyed6541: lol [ I first IMed you at 19.12, and it's 19.51 now but w/e ] and no offense dude, but you are whole new territory to me. I ain' really used to random guys IMing me and me not having a single clue where they've come from.
[19:52] Greeneyed6541: I'm sorry if I'm wrong in this and it hurts your feelings or w/e, but I am suspicious.
[19:53] ADHustla56: not at all
[19:54] Greeneyed6541: so please forgive me if "make a big deal of things" or w/e else is wrong with me..
Session Close (ADHustla56): Sat Jan 06 19:57:01 2007

Session Start (greeneyed6541:ADHustla56): Sat Jan 06 19:57:32 2007
[19:57] ADHustla56: well when can i see what u looklike
[19:57] ADHustla56: or is that a sin
[19:57] ADHustla56: llol
[19:57] Greeneyed6541: lol not a sin
[20:01] ADHustla56: okay nevermind i;kk klet u go
[20:02] Greeneyed6541: I'm starting to get the feeling "I'll let you go" is your way of saying "dude, this chick is messed up" lol
[20:02] ADHustla56: yes
[20:03] Greeneyed6541: okay
[20:03] Greeneyed6541: adios then ^_^!
[20:03] ADHustla56: go blow
[20:03] Greeneyed6541: lol wha?
[20:04] ADHustla56: go blow someone ur a crazy idiot
[20:04] Greeneyed6541: lol funny, but w/e.. I don' understand and I doubt you'll enlighten me.. but w/e
Session Close (ADHustla56): Sat Jan 06 20:04:44 2007

Session Start (greeneyed6541:ADHustla56): Sat Jan 06 20:05:46 2007
[20:05] ADHustla56: cuz ur an idiot
[20:05] Greeneyed6541: and how am I an idiot?
[20:06] ADHustla56: the only thing that would enligten u is a pregnacy test bye
[20:07] Greeneyed6541: no no no.. not bye. You're insulting a complete stranger. You call me an idiot.. and you don' even know me. what the fuck?
[20:08] Greeneyed6541: pregnancy test? dude.. lay off. You're the one who comes at me from god only knows where and what do you expect? You tell me "oh I got you from Myspace" like hell you did. My profiles been fuckin' private for god only knows how long.. so there's no way you could be from there. So I get the sense you're lieing.
[20:09] Greeneyed6541: Then you want my pic. Then you wanna add me.
[20:09] ADHustla56: loil
[20:09] Greeneyed6541: You're a complete stranger.. and I already got that you've lied.. so why the hell should I trust you? then you go off on me with all this stuff like I'm an idiot
[20:09] Greeneyed6541: I am not an idiot. thank you.
[20:09] ADHustla56: believe it or not i did but i think i put the wrong number at the end
[20:10] Greeneyed6541: what wrong number?
[20:10] ADHustla56: cuz the person i added i left them a msg on myspace
[20:10] ADHustla56: so now that i realize that u can go fuck ur self
[20:10] ADHustla56: cuz trust me i got better things to do then worry about u
[20:10] Greeneyed6541: I never expected you to worry about me
[20:10] ADHustla56: ur probably some skank who been raped by 5 guys
[20:11] ADHustla56: now looks at verybody like they want them
[20:11] ADHustla56: i don't know u hoe
[20:11] Greeneyed6541: lol
[20:11] ADHustla56: so don't flatter urself
[20:11] ADHustla56: stop msgin me by
[20:11] Greeneyed6541: I'll up you. bye.
[20:11] ADHustla56: u already messin up my new years
[20:11] *** "ADHustla56" signed off at Sat Jan 06 20:11:43 2007.

Session Close (ADHustla56): Sat Jan 06 20:11:47 2007

I blocked him.. got my temper back under control, unblocked him... he took the bait and IMed back.. and now it's just all hilarious to me. He repeats himself. And he's still pissed off. And it's just very funny to me now.

temper, jerks, hilarious

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