So today is better than last week. I feel happier. More relaxed.
But moving is a BITCH ladies and gentlemen. My roomate and I technically don't need to be out of our apartment until the end of the month but we're trying to haul over as much stuff as possible to the new house. Right now I'm doing about ten loads of laundry and packing it up as I go. It is a task.
But our house is totally beautiful. I thought for sure it was going to be a lot scummier but it's lovely. =) Skylights and tons of room, pretty tiled counters and lots of windows. I can't wait to have some of you over.
I also can't wait to play Gravy Train loudly in my house and dance around naked. Hopefully my roomates won't be home because that might be uncomfortable.
I stopped at Rainy Day in between moving today and picked up the new Gossip record. Too fucking great. And dammit, I will see them since I've missed practically the last 10 shows they've done in town. Matt, when is the next show...the 17th or 18th? Something like that right?
Ok, now what the FUCK is up with MTV cancelling 120 minutes?! They've moved it to Friday nights and are calling it some ridiculous name like Subteranean. First off, what the hell kind of name is that and how the fuck do you spell it? What am I going to do late at night on a Sunday now? (Well besides running down to The Brotherhood and dancing my drunk ass off like a fool to mostly bad music)
Hopefully they'll at least play the new Blood Brothers video because it is sexxy.,,2579639,00.html\ In other news, my sister is coming home today and I am excited. Woot woot