Ok, so let's see..., Wisconsin was so much fun, and though it would've made more sense if i wrote about it yesterday since that is when i came home, i really didn't feel like it. So to those who would like to hear about my trip, this is what happened, lol:
DAY 1: Friday, July 22nd, 2005
I woke up at 4am, left the house at 5am, got to the airport at 6am...where i had a 6:30 flight, so that was a bit of a rush. But i got there fine, and that was only a 2-hour flight, so it went by really fast. I just listened to CD's and wrote in my journal. Fun times. So the Lauren picked me up, and we headed for Six Flags---but only ended up staying there for a little bit because of the lack of sleep i had (3 hours) and going on roller coasters after just eating and no sleep...lol, not a super feeling. But it was still fun for the time being. So the Lauren and i drove back to her house, hung out there for a while, then went to her friend Jake's new house, hung out there for a while, then went to Conajinos (i have no idea if that's how you spell it, but it's close) which is an amazing Mexican place that Lauren goes to "whenever she gets a chance" lol. So after Conajinos, we went back to Jake's, watched some VH1 show and then Lauren and I headed out to see 'The Island'...which really sucked. As much as i love Ewan McGregor...he's not an action star. And with Scarlette, she can either be GREAT in a film...or she can just plain out suck. In this case, it was the latter.
DAY 2: Saturday, July 23rd, 2005
This morning Lauren i slept in, it was raining most of the morning, so we just sat in her living room and she read her book as i started to watch 'Kinsey', but then a tornado warning interrupted the signal and we weren't able to get the movie back (it was on payperview), so we watched some TV, took showers, called up some of Lauren's friends, and headed to Jakes. We drank some margaritas at his house, but he had nothing to do, so after a while it got a little boring, lol, so they called up some friends, found a party to go to, and then we were off. We picked up some drinks first, lots off beer---but since i hate beer, Jake and i drank wine, lol. Jake's interesting, because he's Lauren's best friend, and i met him last November when i was there for Thanksgiving---and the same night that i met him i hooked up with him, and slept in the same bed with him, lol, which was crossing SO many levels in one night...but we never did anything but kiss. So now this trip, i saw him 3 times, my first day, second day, and for my birthday. (but i'll get to that later). Jake and i shared two bottles of wine, lol, which i thought was really sweet, haha, and we both got pretty drunk and he's like, "i hate that you live in new jersey, because i feel so much chemistry with you every time i see you" and i'm just playing it off like "yeah, yeah, yeah, Jake---i know how you are," lol, because he's such a player. But i just flirted with him, and had fun with him, and that's all that really matters. But it's like, of course there's physical attraction, and i do feel some sort of pull towards him,---but he's the type of guy that you can never really feel like you can trust them or not. But then again i've only really hung out with him at three different points. And the thing is that i know that he's going to be in my life, because he's Lauren's best friend, and Lauren's like my sister/best friend/cousin/family...whatever, lol, and i dont know, i've officially gotten carried away with this topic. But the party was a lot of fun, we just listened to music, drank, played card/drinking games, and had a mini dance party, lol. Sooo, picture time!!:
Lauren and her friend Rachel
Maureen and Jake
Maureen and Jake again (lol, i just like how that transfers)
Lauren's friends Derrick and Mark doing...something
Lauren and her friend Derrick
Lauren and her friend Sussan
Jake and I (i look weird, lol)
((and most of those pictures were for Lauren to save to her computer, so that is why there are so many of her, lol))
DAY 3: Sunday, July 24th, 2005
So this day, we REALLY slept in, took showers, got ready, and then headed to Alpine Valley to go to the Dave Matthew's concert (which was my birthday present from Lauren's parents, aka my second parents), and that was just soooo much fun. One of the best concerts i've been to, and even though i'm going to another one of their concerts with my friend Richelle this upcoming Sunday, lol, I was still happy to go---plus the concert that Richelle and i are going to is a festival with a bunch of different bands, so that's still going to be exciting. But here are pictures from that event, we couldn't take my camera with us into the area were the concert was, but we were dancing, and moving and jumping all over the place, so it would have been such a hassle:
Rachel, Lauren, & Tina
Lauren and I
Lauren and I pt. 2 (the flying guy in the background is the best part...)
DAY 4: Monday, July 25th, 2005
woke up at 7something in the morning at Lauren's, my sister Shay picked me up, drove me to her house, and i babysat my nephew Thatcher (5 months old) from 8:30am - 3:30pm..., which was a lot of fun. I watched the first Harry Potter and took 3 naps, lol. Then just hung out at my sisters, ate dinner, played with the boys, and then stayed up till quarter to midnight talking to my sister about anything and everything.
DAY 5: Tuesday, July 26th, 2005
MY 18TH BIRTHDAY!! lol, woo! Was woken up by my sister and my nephew Parker (who was too shy to sing to me) so Shay just sang to me on her own, lol. Woke up, started to make blueberry pancakes with Parker for my birthday, lol, then watched the boys (BOTH BOYS!!) from 8:30am - 1:30pm, and man...watching both a 5 month old and hyper two year old is crazy...i have so much more respect for my sister as a mother, lol. Then after my sister got home, i took a shower and waited for Lauren to pick me up because we were planning on doing something. Buuuuuuuuut....she dropped her phone in the toilet, so we had to drive down to the mall and have it replaced. So after that bit i didn't really want to go anywhere because he mom was making a big deal about being there on time, and blah blah blah, so we went back to Lauren's house, and Lauren, her mom and I just basically talked for a couple hours until my Lauren's dad arrived, then my sister and family, and then Jake and Tina. So then we were off, we went to a really nice Mexican place for my birthday dinner. Jake was to one side of me, and Parker was to the other, and Jake was soooo good with Parker is drove me crazy, lol, guys who do well with children is such an attraction to me, and i was just like "come on!" lol, but it was so much fun. (here are some pictures from that):
(this was taken at Shay's house, before dinner, but i just love this picture :) )
My baby boy Thatcher :)!!!
Parker and Jake (it's really dark, but you get the point, lol)
So then after dinner we went back to Lauren's house, and we were planning on going back to Jakes---but then that hit sort of a speed bump, and i almost wasn't able to go, but eventually i ended up going. So we went to Jakes, hung out there for a while, played with his new kitten, WHO WAS SO CUTE!! It was a 2-month-old orange kitten with white feet; i was in complete heaven, lol. I mean, everywhere i went there were pets!! lol, Lauren has 3 dogs, Shay has a 2 year old black lab, and now Jake has a kitten. So all in all, this trip to Wisconsin was a lot of fun. It was the first time that i was just there on my own, and i just always have fun with Lauren and Shay, so i was very happy :)
The End.
oh yeah...
DAY 6: Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
woke up at 6am, ate some eggs, drove to the airport, flight was delayed two hours, fell asleep on the plane, arrived home.