This Tuesday i went into the city with my mom and got my headshots taken with Peter Hurley ( is amazing. I was so completely nervous about the whole entire experience, because i was supposed to originally have my photo shoot on July 20th---but while i was in Florida it was moved to Tuesday, which was only two days after i would come home. So with the mix of stress/nervousness/and just pure bad timing, i completely broke out. So leaving the house i was in such a bad mood because i didn't want the pictures to come out horrible, and these were my headshots! Good headshots are so important when you want to get into the entertainment industry... So i arrived at the studio, and started getting my makeup done by Francisco Valera (the makeup artist) who was just so great,--i mean, i personally really don't know how to do any sort of makeup, so i just sat in the chair and was like, "Ok! Do whatever works!" and after he was done, and when i got in front of the camera, after the first bunch of pictures were taken and Peter Hurley and i sat down to edit through them (because they were all digital) i was like, "Whoa...that's me?!" So if you'd like to check them out, the link is in my profile, but i'll just put another link on here too because i don’t know how long i'm going to keep it up there: So anyway, i now have to choose through them, because to get one of the pictures printed out professionally, it costs about $50, but my acting teacher from over the summer left me a message after she looked through them saying, "You need variety, casting directors want to know that you can express different emotions", so we'll see. But so far these are my favorites: