Yuletide 2015 Dear Yuletide Writer Letter

Oct 19, 2015 10:23

Fantastic Four (2015) - Victor, Susan, Johnny, Ben.
Use the characters that work for the story. I admit I’m not Reed Richards biggest fan, but if you want to write about Reed and Ben’s friendship or Victor and Reed’s rivalry or Reed being a stretchy runaway asshole, I will read it and love it.

Susan, Johnny and Ben bonding while they’re learning to deal with their powers?

Susan and Johnny being siblings?

Victor being his weird techno-mage self pre-Reed Richards? I kind of walked out of them movie being absolutely on Victor’s side of everything, so obviously I’d be down with that.

All of them being very good at what they do in various ways?

I would also be delighted by crossovers like Johnny/Spider-Gwen or Susan/Spider-Gwen, or Johnny/Matt Murdock, Victor/Peter Parker, Susan/Cindy Moon, Ben/Foggy, Susan/Hope van Dyne or, like, Johnny/Gamora! Or mix and match as wanted!

(No Susan/Johnny please.)

Okay, so, I ship Ravi/Major like anything so something featuring them would be lovely. Or Ravi/Liv because they’re adorable. Or Ravi/Babineaux because I sense snark opportunities there. …You might be sensing a theme to my ideas here, and that’s because Ravi is awesome!

But friendship and zombies would be great as well! Shippiness is not necessary. If you want to do something like an episode that’s be fine as well.

To the Hilt - Al, Chris, Emily, Tobe.
While I am all about Al and Chris being boyfriends, I would also be super happy with a story about Chris and Tobias being boyfriends! Maybe Emily meeting Chris properly? Or something else entirely?

I love this book a lot so I’ll be happy with anything!

No need to include all chosen characters if that doesn’t work for the story.

Midnighter - Midnighter
I just really like the comic book and I like Midnighter, so anything would be fine!

Another Midnighter/Grayson team up, or, heeee, Midnighter/John Constantine? Midnighter in the DC Bombshells world? Midnighter just having a quiet drink out? Midnighter tries to date? Midnighter in Riverdale? (Hey, I’d read it!) Red Warlord Prince Midnighter? Midnighter at Gotham Academy?

Spider-Gwen - Gwen
Talk to me of Gwen’s universe! Everything is still pretty open when it comes to the roles other heroes and villains and whatnot have in her world, so I’d love something that plays with that. Is there a Cindy Moon in Gwen’s world as well? Is there a Kamala Khan? What’s Johnny Storm up to? Luke Cage? So, you know, world building. I’d be into that.

Or, A-Force #5 had a fun panel where Gwen swoops in to save MJ, so if you want to do Gwen/MJ, that’s also fine. Or something with all The Mary Janes. Bandfic!

The Breakfast Club - Bender, Brian.
I always re-read the excellent Brian/Bender stories from Yuletides past every christmas, and I thought, maybe there is somebody out there just dying to write another one? A completely different one? Because I would read that!

If realism and the 1980s-1990s is your thing, that's cool! Do that!

If you want to try a 2015 AU, that is ALSO cool and you should do that!

If coffeeshop AUs, superpowers AUs or Harry Potter AUs floats your boat, I'd be into that as well.

c&p from last year:
In general, I'm pretty easy going, but I prefer something that at least ends happily (or happy-ish) for my Yuletide story. My Pinboard is here and my tumblr is here, if you want to see what else I like.

I am open to most genres, and I like crack and crossovers, so feel free to go with that if you want! (Though crossing over with fandoms I actually know would be most appreciated)

I have a huge competency kink, so I love reading about characters being really fucking good at something. I also like characters who haven't quite figured out how social interaction works, but who try anyway. I like found families! And real families. And characters who trusts nobody except...

What I don't like: Deathfic, fics featuring aphasia while clearly having no clue what it is, most of what goes under the darkfic umbrella.


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