Caprica picspam and musics

Jul 04, 2010 18:38

1. This is one of the very few shows I've watched where the young ones are way more interesting than the adults.

2. The only people who actually do anything other than flail blindly are the women.


I may have to rewatch BSG now, just to picture that.

This is our cast. You can ignore the blonde in the grey dress as she is the least interesting of all of them.

What it is by Mark Knopfler
Intergalactic Friends by Dandy Warhols vs Beastie Boys
Rise by the Flobots

This is William Adama. His life is hard. His mother and sister have been killed in a bomb and his father is a dumbass. However! He has a uncle who's awesome, so all is not sadness and woe. (Also, his grandmother is more hardcore than his dad. She'd probably disown Lee within five seconds of meeting him, now that I think about it)

Aren't they a handsome family?

Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance

This is probably a scene of Sam trying to talk Joseph out of being a dumbass.

This is Sam going "Oh my fucking god do I have to smack you?" How he manages to deal with his brother without constantly slapping him over the head a la Gibbs is a mystery to me.

Anyway! Sam is a hit man for the Tauron mafia.

He's hot. Also, I like his hat.

This is Tamara Adama. She dies in the first episode, but is resurrected in VR because her father is a dumbass. She starts out very lost and confused, but then realizes that she's fucking awesome and behaves accordingly.

Cosmic love by Florence + the machine

Joseph discovers that his dead daughter is more hardcore than he is.

T is for Tamara.

Confused Tamara along with Lacy and Zoe.

Zoe Graystone also dies in the first episode, but she's a super genius computer programmer and has created an avatar of herself that continues to exist in the VR world her father created.

Ada makes the machines sing by The Crystalline Effect

This is Lacy. She should've been on the train that blew up, but changed her mind last minute and so ends up the only one who knows VR!Zoe exists.

Her life is pretty damn hard.

One girl revolution by superchick

And is not made easier by the fact that Sister Clarice suspects she knows something.

These three women plus Tamara are the ones you need to pay attention to. They're the ones with plans who do stuff, even if it may not seem like it at first.

Gamma Ray by Beck

Sister Clarice is a teacher, creepy, and believes in the one god.

She makes herself BFF with Zoe's mom, something that ends badly for Zoe's mom. Probably.

There's, you know, plots and stuff too!

Graystone needs to figure out how to make cylons that work, which leads to him trapping Zoe's avatar inside a cylon, and then torturing it to find out if she's still there. That's actually a really good episode. He's also got PR problems because his daughter was a terrorist who blew herself and bunch of people up, and his wife has apparently never heard of keeping her mouth shut. He's got a business rival, who's chip he stole, who's now blackmailing him... Really, what Graystone needs is a head!Six to arrange his life for him.

The most interesting thing about Dr. Graystone is that she's got a dead brother. For real. She gets, like, one moment of awesome, and that's rescuing Graystone from a PR mess she made in the first place.

Sister Clarice is head of a terrorist cell which is competing against another cell headed by Spike. Spike wants to blow shit up, Sister Clarice wants to think about things first. They don't get along.

Joseph Adama is a dumbass. He gets himself into debt with the tauron mafia in order to resurrect Tamara, doesn't like what he gets, runs away, and then runs back to try to hunt her down in VR. He's an entertaining dumbass though!

Zoe had a plan. As neither VR!Zoe nor Lacy knows exactly what it was, they're now doing the best they can. VR!Zoe wants to escape and manipulates Lacy into helping her. As a result, Lacy becomes a terrorist.

It... makes more sense in the show?

To be honest, I watch it mainly for the pretty. I may have missed nuances.

Also? The first 2-3 episodes are boring. Put them on, and do something else as well. Picspam! Arrange your playlists! Make lists of people you'd want on a world saving team! that kind of thing.

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