I didn't do that much today. Hung with more of my many cousins. I saw a possibly dead guy laying on the side of the street tonight. Talked to a really good friend of mine that I havent talked to in forever. Played a video game. Watched my soap. Took a shower. I had chocolate milk.
My foot is asleep. I wonder who came up with that phrase. I mean it's not really asleep. It's kinda just in a weird state or being. I think I am going to start saying "My foot is in a weird state of being".
I burped in this ladies face today. I was walking around the corner at the same time she was. I didn't realize she was there then I went BUUURP!! I felt bad but then again people burp and it was her fault for not announcing her presence to me so I could try and hold it in.
Sometimes I wonder if I am too nice. I am far from a mean individual and I tend to think people who are nice all the time are either weirdos or aliens. I don't think I am an alien or a weirdo. I am not saying I am going to change cause changing one's self is a difficult thing to do. I am just acknowledging that I am nice and I think I can be content with that. Besides I know from experience I have mean potential I just don't use it until it's needed.
I miss Denton already. I am so making up for lost time when I get back. I am going to be hanging with all my cool peeps so much they will tire of my existence.
I am applying for the FBI once I graduate college. If they accept me then I am working for them. If I don't get in then I go to grad school and work on my PhD. That's been my plan for a while and I was just thinking about it right now so I thought I would fill you in.
I am the yellowest mexican ever to be born. I am so white and pasty. i need to get me some sun. I also need to work on the Bod O' Stephen. If it is not hot by the end of this summer I give up.
I am done talking about useless life things for now.
Power Rangers Movie!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by
Quizilla P.S- I had a big crush on the Blue Ranger when I was a little kid. I kinda still do.