Jan 03, 2006 09:25
So... you might have released that today is Monday, the day that falls in front of Tuesday and after Sunday, which means the winter break is coming to a close... which means it's time to reminise(sp) seeing how i haven't updated in a while. Ok so lets see.... December the 24th, Christmas Eve, i worked like all day like 11-6:30 if i recall correctly.. and i got a crazy big paycheck for just that one day so i was madd happy. On Christmas I woke up to find rapped objects under my Pseudotsuga menziesii, or douglas fir for you common folk. Umm I got a crap load of clothes, a dart board, some guitar strings, a new phone, and crap for my comp: a new motherboard, processor, ram, and powersupply. Ok so i throw in all my new crap into my comp, and to my luck the crap doesn't work. Figures stuff like that always happens to me, but to my suprise the worst hadn't coem yet. I take out all the new stuff to send back to the company and i throw in my old mother board and stuff to only realise that thenew motherboard completely ttrashed my hardrive so now my comp can't even boot (which is why I have my mom's labtop in my room.) Ok so then later that day I went to my Aunts and hung out with my cousins... and that was pretty much it. Monday, December 26th, I dont rememebr what I did. Maybe i hung out with Kayt?? maybe i stayed home and did nothing??.. i dont rememeber. Then December 27th.. a tuesday, naturally.. seeing how before i informed you that Tuesdays fall after Mondays... so yes.. a crap load of family came over for some reason (my mom invited them for a party thing eventhough it wasn't christmas???) owell, anyway Kayt came over and we just hung out in my room most of the time, with my cousins and my cousin's boyfriend. So after that my vacation was a blur. I know sometime after that I went to the mall and hung out with Kayt and then went to go see Memoirs of a Geisha, and when I asked for ticket's i purposely sayd the name wrong because it pisses off Kayt. So the guy at the ticket boothe was gay and started yelling at me about how I sayd the name wrong and didn't understand why I would want to say the name of the movie wrong lol owell. So after the movie we hung out a bit, I had pocky and a green tee capachino(sp) for my first time. So then the next day I slept over Gil's house and played Halo with him and Nick. Then I went home.. (I also went to work a couple sayd in their i jsut dont rememebr what days.) Umm ya i hung out with Kayt like all morning and afternoon. Then she went to her friends New Years Party and then i picked her up and went to Kiki's. I got hennah(sp) on me, Twas fun.. liek it usualy is, at around 1ish I took Kayt home and stayed there a little while. Then the next day (yesterday) I went to Colorado Cafe' with some people (Kayt, Eric, Kiki, Kev, Ed, Rachel, Annmarie.) Played some pool had some fun. After that we went driving around Watchung.. fun/scary riding around that place at night going fast as hell... So then Kayt and me went to her house and watched A series of Unfortunate Events with her family - Jessica. Umm o ya the girl in that movie looks like someone but I can't think of who. Anyway, Kayt came over today we hung out... kinda watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith because my PS2 only allowed us to watch half of it before it had a crazy ass disk read error. So ya long ass post, probably the longest post I ever wrote. There's prob mad errors but I'm too lazy to go back and read this. So yes this break was really good.. short/fast but still good, mainly because I got to spend time with a certain someone. I love you Kayt. =D!!!!!!!