Mar 16, 2005 22:38
some thoughts, some revelations
6.words are words and sometimes they clutter, intent is what truly matters
5.materialism/consumerism gets in the way of happiness, too many people have fallen into this trap
4.thinking "when i get this i will be happy" is the beginning to the road of unhappiness, "this" being anything - physical, mental, or abstract
3.looking into who you are is much better than looking at who you want to be. if not satisfied work on it in the moment, the only time to make a difference. all there is is the moment. by what you say, and say what you think - live what you think
1.happiness flows best when what you do say and think are all in harmony
nothing is constant, except change. people, ideas, thoughts, opinions, all change over time
condemn it or embrace it, it's up to you
routine scares me more than anything
everyone makes mistakes, everyone has things they wish they hadn't done.
i'm trying to live without any regrets, and doing the best i can with that by taking my experiences and learning from them
don't hesitate, but understand patience
we're all constantly learning, the moment you stop is the moment to worry
when you can't find the word you want, even if it's right in front of your mind, you substitute with another, making the best of what you have in that moment. maybe later you remember the word and if not maybe find it out another way. sometimes life is like that. sometimes you've got to take what you have in a particular moment and make the best of it. in a moment like this you decide how it's going to be, you can search for a new word, or you can dismiss what you wanted to say because of the one forgotten word. no telling ahead of time how it'll turn out, things aren't often as expected. you'll rarely find the word you wanted without some effort.
sometimes metaphors are easier
i like metaphors; they can be applied to so many things and leave room for interpretation
if you know it's cold outside, know that your feet will be cold without any shoes, and don't like having cold feet, and then you go out without any shoes on, don't complain about how cold your feet are. be conscious of your choices.
it's all a part of life; what you do, say, see, feel, think - that is your life.
live it up
live freely
embrace the moment
live with your eyes and mind open