Beauty is in the light of the heart

Oct 04, 2008 15:45

My skin is radiant today and I would it to stay this colour. I like it but.... there's nobody to witness this radiance except my brother. Pfffftired! I figured my skin might be radiant because a) I'm happy b) Miranda won Champion (Yes) c) repeat (a) and (b). This must be Happy Festival I swear, because I've never felt this happy for such a long period in such a long time (Does it make sense to you).

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 "Reach! x2 Butterfly x2"
(Note the person in the bkgrnd saying "Co-ordinated right"/"Ying liao la"/"Woah x infinity")

Funny how everybody looks so small in the video. I spot myself! Front row, guess which!

I really like the wave part! It's like a horizontal and a vertical wave at the same time! We really need to thank Jingxiong, Vice-Capt of Miranda House Comm for this! He made it possible. Hahah, yaaaay proud to be in Miranda and MJ! See both start with Ms so the letter M we formed in the video is of significance! Of course, after everything I was dead tired like !!! I slept at 12am which is not very usual. Dinner at Popeyes was teh sexzx, and the company was great too! The air is filled with love, aww! Spread the love!

Now, what's left to do is enjoy this weekend, and it's PW & chinese full force. Why is there always limited time to play, triple sulk!

Did my brother have to do that? Leave the chips on the table.

Your eyes, are the brightest of all the colours
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