I really should get around to posting a full recap of the FOB/etc. show in Lowell this weekend, but mostly what I want to say about this weekend boils down to: dude, fangirls are the *best*. A huge swarm of us descended onto
giddygeek's house on Friday night after the show and squeed over the concert and ate pizza and fell asleep watching LOTMS, and then in the morning we watched -- is it My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side To My Tongue? Anyway, the FOB disc with footage of TINY BABY PATRICK OMG ♥ which I had never seen before (!), and I got to watch it with a roomful of pajama-clad fangirls, while eating pancakes and cuddling a kitty, and seriously, can every morning start out that way??
Then, of course, yesterday I came down with a hideous cold, so I've spent the rest of my weekend lying on the couch and watching Friday Night Lights and trying to keep my head from exploding. From other people's reports, it seems I'm not the only one to finish off the weekend with a cold. It doesn't seem right, somehow; our mini-con shouldn't have been big enough for Con Crud! Anyway, I hope we're all feeling better before long, and so I'm off to bed to try to make that happen.