Aug 30, 2008 02:54
U*UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHH LJ just did that thing where it falls apart and deletes everything you just wrote.
That sucks especially when you are a hot MESSSSS and just came back from the T-Shirt PArty 08.
I just basically wrote about how from the outside the CSC is like "ugh, cult" and from the inside is like "LAWLZ LUV U AHHAHA".
It's actually neither of those.
For me---Lady Katherine--it's a LOT more than that. FYSOP and ASB were serious formative experiences last year. They're the reason that after yeasrs and years and years i finally feel 100% comfortable in my own skin rather than like 90% or 50% in m iddle school.
Tonight was all a bunch of serious lovin'.
I can;t WAIT to move into house a saurus REX!!!! I love those people too!!!!! SO MUCUH>
All I want is a career in loving people. LIke to be a professional Friend Lover.
INstead I thikn I want to eventually get my MBA in non-profit management because, haha i know I"m all ADD and stuff, but deep down, I have a LOT
to give.
I love y'all.
And am going to bed.