Drive-Ins and Insurance Agencies

Jul 29, 2003 18:32


So much happenin. Kinda.

Thursday is my last day of work, praise all deities. Then a week from Friday and I am off to school! WEEE! I am so excited. Even more so because my Bob tickets just arrived in the mail today. ANd I've finally gotten to talk over IM with my roommate, Liz. She seems very cool and interesting and I am practically bouncing off the walls to get to Bard.

Let's see....what else? Oooooh. Friday night I went to the drive ins with a bunch of the boys. It was fantastic!! Finding Nemo and then Pirates of the Caribbean!! What a brilliant combination. Too important revelations of the night:

1) About half way through Finding Nemo Patrick turned to me and shared the thought that, whoa, was Nigel (the bird) Johnny Deep!? The more and more I listened, the more it sounded like him. It was quite an exciting idea. However, it wasn't Johnny, but Greoffery Rush!!!! Close enough I say. I mean...both in PotC so...WOOT!

2) It had always reallllllly bothered me when Jack Sparrow is first escaping from the gallows, right after he saves Elizabeth. There is that part where he zips down from a mast (was it a mast? I foget...some tall post) on a line and onto the ground. I never understood how Disney could have made such a stupid mistake. There was no possible way, unless he unhooked and then rehooked his chains, to get his hands around the line to zip down it. And then get off it! COME ON PEOPLE! Arn't you supposed to be SKILLED at you job? Well, Patrick, once again, made a brilliant observation. Indeed, Jack doesn't have the line inbetween his hands and chains. If you look closely you can see that he puts his hands together- as close as possible- so that the chain sort of becomes one and is at it's longest. He then swings the chain around the line and catchs it with his hand...and...volia!!! (Did you guys understand that?) It is so...sooo...GREAT! The one part in the film that trully really really bothered me, has been redeemed! Thank you Disney, for NOT being idiots!!!

I take that back. One more thing to fix: "You like(want?) pain? *moment of bating silence, zoom in...* Try wearing a corsette!" HOrrible line.

Anywho. What else what else?

OH! I have a poem to share with you all. I walked into work one day, headed straight for the kitchen to get a cup of coffee (as always) and found this taped to the cupboards above the coffee machine. I about peed in my pants. I don't know who wrote it or the name.

Last night as I lay sleeping
I died or so it seemed
Then I went to heaven
But only in my dream

Up there St. Peter met me
Standing at the pearly gates,
He said "I must check your record
Please stand here and wait."

He turned and said "Your record
Is covered with terrible flaws,
On earth I see you rallied
For every losing cause.

I see that you drank alcohol
And smoked and used drugs too,
Fact is, you've done everything
A good person should never do.

We can't have people like you up here
Your life was full of sin,"
Then he read the last of my record
Took my hand and said "Come in."

He lead me up to the big boss and said
"Take her in and treat her well,
She used to work in Insurance
She's done her time in hell."

*falls of chair snickering*

YES!! I AM IN! I AM INNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Heaven that is. Guarranteeeeed!!!

I leave you with that.

(EDITTED to say, that someone just informed me he thinkgs this poem was originally written with Vietnam, instead of I just wanted that to be known and credited...ehhe)
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