NOVA and Beyond...

Jul 03, 2003 17:25



RUNAWAY UNIVERSE! It came it came it came! It's heeeeeeeeeeeeerrrreeeee! I'm so freaking excited. SO so so much. Fathah and I are going to watch it this weekend. GO US!

I'm so happy that the weekend has come. Woot, 4th of July. Though, tis my mother's birthday too, and I still haven't a clue what to get her. I think I'll write her something, but I have no idea what to write about...suggestions? And NO, I know how you peoples minds work. NOT that.

Just talked to Rainie and it looks like I won't see her. Oh well. Sadness but life goes on. She did tell me about Nay Nay's accident, involving a bit of rear ending. That sucks very much and I am sorry, Shannon. And glad you are okay. But I have to say this...

Who is the bad driver? Oh. Right.

Sorry. Had to be said. I hope no offense is taken, but if you can't take harrassment than don't dish it out.

Moving right along. I'm so sad Logie is leaving us. What to do, what to do? Who else is gonna take my ridiculous hyper ramblings on IM? Eh, eh? In fact, the hyperness seems to come only when talking to him...and he dares leave?! *glare*

Oh! Today a British mail man came into the office! He stood there talking for about 20 minutes, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I mean, I love British accents but...but...but this accent was just...beautiful. I can't even begin to tell you. I could have listened to him forever. I dare say it was better than Orlando's accent...and I think that's sayin something! Sheesh! TOo bad he was over 40 and I couldn't wisk him off to the mail room.

Sigh. My day will come.

Lastly: More reasons I'm in love with Bard.

1) Bob Dylan. Subterranean Homesick Blues. A few lines of that song are in great relevence to Bard. Also, in the beatnic times, it is rumored that ol' Bob used to hang out there alot. YES!

2) Steely Dan!!! The two of the group met and formed at Bard....GO BARD!

3) Beastie Boys! The same, the same!

Bard trully breeds facinating accomplishments and inspires brilliant works/workers.

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