Sep 19, 2006 16:04
Alright, this is a bit last-minute, but the Museum Studies Student Organization (MSSO to the cool and impatient) is having a get-together this Friday evening at the Beer Garden!! Never heard of it? Shaaaaaame! Actually, it's next to me, so I should have told you. So shame to meeeeeeeee!
Anyway, the Beer Garden is the last of its kind in NYC - an open space enclosed with awesome walls and steel gates, with a big yard inside with trees and dirt, long wooden tables & benches, and beer. And a barbeque pit. And a performance stage. But mostly beer. It's a great place to just sit and relax and have fun, and drink beer!
So, if anyone can make it this Friday evening, anytime after 9pm, call me! The exact address is 2919 24th Avenue in Astoria, but it's two blocks away from me - if you can get to me, you can get to the Garden! I'll be coming straight from practice, so let me know if you're coming so I can meet you.....if you guys can come that'd be great - I miss you guys!!! If not, no problem, but I'll still miss you :)
Hope to see you there!