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Feb 20, 2008 20:18

Wow I suck at updating.

I'm in 5th semester now, so that means I'll be home for good in December. My classes are still frustrating, but I think it's mostly because I'm sick of sitting and listening all day. Diagnostic imaging is probably my favorite class at the moment, but its really difficult. I'm also taking Small Animal Medicine I, Anesthesiology, Toxicology and Intro to Clinics I. Intro is pretty fun. Its a 1 credit class where we learn how to do physical exams and such. We had our techniques lab last week where I got to practice placing a jugular/saphenous cathedar, chest tube, bone marrow aspirate. I also got to try CPR and joint tapping. It was really awesome, but tiring, and kind of spoiled by the fact that I had my toxicology exam the next morning. I ended up getting an A, but its my only A so far this semester. I'm going to try to keep up with the material better so I can try to pull my grades up before finals. I only have a 3.5 GPA, and I don't really think that's high enough for me to get into UPenn for my clinical year/anywhere for a possible residency afterwards.

Tony and Allon arrive on Friday night. I have some awesome plans for when they're here. I have to admit though, that I'm still not very excited. I just feel like I'm in such a funk. School is frustrating and this island serves as a constant reminder of how much I want to be back in NY. Anyway, we're going to go on a tour of the island, a catamaran trip, to Brimstone hill and out to the peninsula. I wanted to take Allon to class with me, but we're no longer allowed to take guests into any classes/labs that involve any live/dead animals. It's all because of this stupid PETA thing. Its too bad too, because some people may be visiting friends to determine if they want to apply or not...oh well. Allon will have to see a dog, sheep and donkey cadaver somewhere else.

Zero had the rest of his right femur removed last semester, but he still seems to be in pain. He's been on amitriptyline for about 2 weeks now, but its kind of making him crazy. He may be switched to gabapentin this week, hopefully that will work better. His fur still hasn't really grown back since his surgery in December, but I don't care. He's a special cat anyway. Leeloo's happy, but she's fat!

We get to practice ultrasound on ourselves in DI lab this week. It's too bad everyone's a woman, so we don't get to see our hearts...maybe we can convince one of the guys to take off his shirt haha.

I'll be back in town on April 19th. Maybe a trip to Six Flags is in order? We'll see...
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