Field of Corpses

Jul 25, 2010 23:40

Summary: Gloria is one of the only two half-dead zombies. She began to die of a broken heart, but her death's progression grew quicker as she became more bitter. She became a loner, with a lack of needing to see friends, because she's felt nothing but abandonment, which comes to be once her friends die off, and she's the only 'living' thing around. Life without love has been hard on her, but she's grown desensitized... until she finds she gets the opposite.
Author: Jayden McKylee Thompson ;] (greendayhero)
Rating: R for swearing, gore, and other stuff.
Warnings: Disgusting, bloody mess and disturbing images might occur within in your head. Also, very cheesy romance. ;]

Authors Note: I based it off of a poem I wrote:

It was quiet now, riding in the car alone with his new pet. There was no noise being made other than the loud sound of wind as they drove down the road. Christian and Billie were completely alone, with no exact destination anymore, but to drive around.

Sure, Christian was still thinking of California, but it could wait now. He had a friend, and he liked Idaho, because there wasn't many zombies that could try to eat his new friend. He had a car, that could easily outreach the speed of zombies, so he wouldn't have to worry about any zombie attacks, but he still didn't want his dog to die. He hadn't had Billie long, but he already knew that the dog was his, just like the car.

It wasn't very long, or far down the road, until they both started to get hungry. Billie was so skinny that you could see his ribs through his fur, and Christian had always been skinny, but not like he had gotten. The dog was starving, and Christian just didn't feel the need to eat anymore. He didn't think it would matter, because he was already dying, but he wouldn't mind food. It did sound good, especially once he started thinking of what he could get for his dog. Luckily, there was an old grocery store coming up.

"Are ya hungry, buddy?" Christian asked the dog. Billie just looked up at Christian and stared.

Christian knew he wasn't going to speak back, but he talked to the animal anyway. At least he could talk to something now, without looking crazy, or feeling like he was losing his mind. At least he wasn't so lonely now that he had Billie, even if the thing couldn't talk. It was better than driving with a dead man.

He pulled into the car-ridden parking lot, and parked into one of the empty spaces. There was no reason to, but he might as well act like he wasn't dead. He could pretend it was a sunday and the store was closed. He could pretend he was breaking into the store, stealing anything he wanted, without getting in trouble for it. He actually liked the thought of pretending he was still in the same world it had been years before, but being able to do anything without consequences. It would have been enjoyable, even.

He got out of the car, and Billie followed. Christian has expected the dog to run off, but the dog stayed. It let Christian know that not everything was going to leave him. It had seemed that way with his friends and family, but for once he felt like something was going to stay. He rather liked that, so he promised himself never to let the dog be harmed. Billie was going to be his forever.

They walked up to the glass doors of the building, and they were already pried open and broken. They were easy enough to get through, so they got into the store with no problem. Everything was dark though. The lights had obviously stopped working, or had been shut off when the country began turning. They could still see though, it just got darker as they got deeper into the store.

Hardly anything was left on the shelves. Almost everything had been dropped, or thrown onto the ground. Christian could picture all the desperate people rummaging through the store for food to stock up on when the zombie pandemic hit. He was surprised to see that there was actually anything left at all, even if the boxes and cans were damaged.

He came across the isle with all the pet supplies, and was relieved to find bags of dog food still in tact. There was no reason to grab the bags and wait til they got 'home' though, because they didn't have one. Instead, he tore open a bag, and dumped it on the floor for Billie. There was no reason to let the poor thing wait to eat.

The dog was devouring the pile in seconds, and Christian thought he couldn have eaten the entire bag. He poured the rest, then went to look around the store for something else that he could have himself. He had nothing in mind, but there was one thing that was sounding good.

He walked up to where the meat products would be, and hoped some would still be there. Unfortunately, the zombies must have gotten ahold of it all, so he sighed with disappointment. He could still check the back though; there was no way the zombies could have figured out how to get through the huge metal door of the freezer.

He stood in front of the door, and started to unlatch all the locks. He took notice of all the smeared blood on the door, obviously attempts of zombies trying to break through. They could never be smart enough to figure out how to simply unlock the damn thing. It made him thankful that he was still smart enough to figure things out.

The door finally unlocked, and it opened slowly. It was heavy, obviously from not being opened in so long, but it wasn't jammed. Christian walked right through the opening, and could see that there was some meat left. The freezer wasn't exactly a freezer anymore, so it didn't keep the meat good. He didn't care though. He knew he was a zombie, and the other zombies obviously ate live humans, so dead, rotting meat couldn't be so horrible. Although, zombies never attacked other zombies, so maybe it wasn't normal to eat the rotting meat.
Still, Christian didn't care. He was hungry, and he was a zombie afterall.

He dug in, and ate it quickly, filling his stomach completely. It didn't even taste horrible to him, and he had no problem eating as much of it as he was. It smelled fine, it just looked a bit digusting. All meat did for that matter, though.

As Christian ate his raw meat, Billie devoured an entire bag of stale dog food. They were doing their own thing, not paying any attention to anything around them.

Away from the store, miles away, zombies from all directions were starting to smell the meat and live flesh in the air. It was the mixture of the smell of the meat from the freezer and the still living dog. The smell was too strong to pass up, and the zombies definitely couldn't resist a meal. It was a country where every zombie was for themselves, and they all decided they wanted that food even before Christian opened the freezer and left the door open.

Even before they got to the store, the zombies could smell the dog. Being in the topless car, driving so fast, the smell lingered through the air, and traveled to all the zombies in the area. They could only follow the smell, even if Christian and Billie weren't to stop at the store. The zombies would have still followed them, just because of how hungry for meat they were.

So without Christian even knowing, there was a mob of running, and hungry zombies coming for him and his dog. He never would have thought that such a thing would happen, so he had no warning. He didn't even think of the possibilty. He still wasn't exactly 'with' the whole zombie thing. I guess you could say that Christian was clueless, and the word fit for the several situations.

The zombies got closer with each minute, and they grew hungrier with each foot closer they got to the source of the smell. There was nothing that was going to stop them, not even if they had to fight one-another for a single peice of flesh and meat. They would kill off other zombies just to get what they wanted.

By the time they would even reach the store, there would be less in the group of mad zombies.


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