Mar 15, 2004 12:38 i really just sucked ass on the tennis court today. how frustrating! i do just fine when the coach isn't watching me. oh well. i'm sad because amber keeps leaving greencastle and after we graduate, i'm not really going to get to see her. i miss the days when i was important to more people than just family and my boyfriend. i mean, i know other people care about me too, but its just not the same without your friends. jennie and i went a cruise last night and it was really fun. i'm glad we get along so well, especially after all the freshman year bullshit. but that was when we were young and had even less of an idea of who are and want to be. god, i'm going to miss these days in a few months. i don't know if i actually want to volunteer in ecuador for a year because it means leaving everyone in c'ville behind, and they're people that have backed me up since the day i was born. speaking of being there since birth, my mom's boyfriend (well, ex-boyfriend now) is a complete jackass. i find it hard to believe that i can lose respect for someone so quickly, but i no longer see him as a real man. so what if he's dying. its his own damn fault. the bastard insists that smoking three packs (count 'em, 1-2-3) a day has nothing to do with his respiratory problems. well, may he live a long lonely life without the star that shines within my mother. well, i gotta go. its time for seminar, then working out, and then work! oh the lovely life i lead.