Kelly's party

May 15, 2005 17:42

Kelly's party was okay. I was really sick and I think if I wasn't so sick I would have had a better time. It was fun before everyone came, it was just me, Kelly, Sam, Lauren Lucia and some other kids. It was fun then but as more people came, the more sick I became. I spent most the time outside because Kelly's house was so hot. By the end of the party, I really couldn't talk and I can't really talk now. My voice is really raspy and my throat is soar. I have a small fever and Mark keeps accusing me of faking. Oh yeah, I can fake. He said that he didn't believe that I threw up and because I didn't have a 102 fever like him, I can possibly be sick. I hate him soo much.

I just wanted to apologize to Kelly because I really didn't participate during her party. I just didn't feel that well. Sorry Kel.

See you all soon.

Lots of Love,
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