Yes, Yes, I know...

Jan 16, 2006 18:36

...this is not an update, it's a yet another shameless plug for the festival. So to keep you happy, here's some stuff about me. I just got over a cold, I have a hideous cough. I started a new job last Monday at that place, TRO, where I worked last summer. I am the Fleet Administrator. It's easy and the company's really cool to work for, so this is good. Also, bizarrely, I work for Declan's Dad (for those of you that know Declan). When I say 'work for' Me & him are the Transport Department. Other than that I have mainly been working on Alice, which brings me to...

Stage Management Workshop and Backstage Crew- Elli Chapman (who
knows everything about arts in Norfolk ever and has done every arts
job ever and is lovely) will be running a workshop at The Garage,
Tuesday 24th Jan 7-8pm covering cueing up a script for stage managing
and other essential Stage Management-y type things. As always, answer
on a postcard to
<> and I will book you a
place. People who are going to be backstage crew for the festival
generally or who would like to SM for a particular show- if you can
come along to this then Elli will be briefing you all. Please please
try and make it and let me know via email if you are going to be
there or if you want to but can’t be and I can arrange a time
to sort things with you.

Lighting and Make up workshops- just a reminder, there are a couple
of places left on these if you want to hone your skills in either of
these areas drop me an email- if you want to come along just for
interest then feel free to- you don’t necessarily have to be
doing either of these things during the festival. Make up on Monday
16th Jan 7.30-9 at The Garage, Lighting Tuesday 17th 7-9 at City
College Drama Studio.

Stewarding- If you would like to steward for any of the shows, we
need people who are willing to dress up/ be a character/make front of
house interesting. Ben has very kindly offered to sort who is
stewarding when, so if you are interested drop him an email at <> and let him
know which night(s) you can do and what you are planning to look
like! It’s your chance to be nice to the audience, see the
shows for free and be the character you have always wanted to be. We
need at least two each night so you can always sign up with a friend
if you are the shy type.

Launch event- Tues 31st Jan is the launch/preview event at Take 5.
If anyone wants to be a character at this and/or welcome people on
the door then please email Ben at
Publicity event- subject to the police not objecting (!) we will be
in the city centre on Saturday 28th Jan harassing the general public
with flyers and costumes and poi and music and performance art and
general prancing about. Everyone is welcome to come and help out.
Even if it’s just for an hour that would be great. You can
entertain the public or just flyer, or both. For more info or to
offer your magnificence please email
<> with Publicity event as the
subject. Ta!

Festival Brochure- by Tuesday we will have 2000 of these..wooo! in
the meantime all info is at the following link. Feel free to copy
paste this into an email and send it to everyone you ever met: Anyone who
could help with distributing leaflets would be fabulous. Please drop
into The Garage from Wednesday onwards and grab a bundle. Thank you!
Costume, Set and SM help- Amy, who’s directing Inertia is
looking for someone to help them with building their set and also
with costume. For Attic I would really appreciate someone to help
with costume. Also Dan, Alice in Wonderland, is looking for someone
to stage manage specifically for Alice.

Tickets are on sale as of now from theatre royal box office 01603 63 00 00 £5/ £4 concessions.

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