Apr 28, 2005 10:17
Morning Kids!!
Yes, after a bit of an LJ break, I've decided to return. Hope you have all been well, I've been dropping in a reading from time to time, but I'm not gonna ever catch up on the last 3 months of all your lives, but I'm sure you've been having fun.
So, what's been going on with me I hear you ask. Well, I've got a new job working for The Stationary Office. It's tele-sales (again), but it's well chilled out and quite easy. We also have internet access, which is nice.
Shit, it's been 4 month since I updated, not 3. Wow.
In the rest of my life, I'm currently rehersing 2 plays: de Sade, which we're doing next week at the Art's Centre (Tuesday and Wednesday - Tickets from The Arts Centre and Kulture Shock £5 normal people £4.50 scum (Not YOU!))
The other one is Only in the Woods: A Misdummers Night Dream, along with HeadCube (yeah, yeah, I can't remember how to do the LJ user thing, blow me). Which is fun, we're both playing Faries, but not your average Faries mind, double hard-bastard Faries. Oh yes. That's going on in June. More details nearer the time.
So, rehersing 2 plays at once means I don't really have time to do much else, which sux, but after next week down to one play, which will be nice and relaxed.
Have been trying to do some writing, but the insane rehersal schedule has stopped this happening, hopfully I'll get some stuff down in the next couple of weeks.
..and that pretty much brings us up to date, I promise to try to update more than previously...haha.
Finally: What's the similarity between a Slinky and a Chav?
They're both kinda pointless, but it's fun to watch 'em fall down stairs!