Dear TPTB,
Why are you making me love you so hard right now?
This episode pretty much rocked. I was inclined to like to right away because I'm a sucker for alternate universes/realities. :) But yeah.
Rodney and John's conversation at the being was cute, and I loved how Rodney said Teyla always told him the baby was sleeping when he came to visit. And he's already dropped Torrin! The tie in at the end in the infirmary was good too. The baby is so cute, but why do they feel the need to swaddle it up like that all the time? Are they still using a fake baby or was that just for the birth scene in Search and Rescue?
The dead!AU team was pretty freaky and I liked Teyla's comment about "walking over her grave." Her subsequent discussion with Ronon and him asking her if she's going to protect all the "millions of Torrins" out there was really well done too. It's always interesting in AU episodes to see which members of the team are affected by the presence of duplicates of themselves - Rodney and Teyla are the ones who wonder about the duplicates, while Ronon and John are like, "They're not us, let's get over it and go." Also, John and AU!John's conversation = PURE AWESOME.
I really thought this episode was going to be like Aurora (which I actually do adore) where Ronon and Teyla kinda stand around while Super!John and Super!Rodney do everything and save the day. But I was pleasantly surprised! Teyla did stuff, you guys! She worked the readings, helped Rodney with the hyper drives, was completely awesome all around ... :D I loved how both Rodney and John were like, "Wait, since when do you know how to do this?" And after Rodney snarked at her, things blew up and she snarked right back to him in the oh-so-cool way of hers? WIN.
Ronon's frustration about not being able to work the Daedalus controls was believable too. Here's the guy who's always saving the day and getting in on the action, and he can't properly defend his ship when it's in trouble. I bet he won't be skipping out on tech lessons again any time soon. I hope I wasn't the only one thinking, "New gun for Ronon!" when he picked up the bad guy's weapon.
And those bad guys! Think we'll be seeing them again sometime this season?
Apparently my copy of Breaking Dawn isn't getting shipped until Monday. Woe is me. :(