SGA 5x03: Broken Ties

Jul 26, 2008 13:38

Is it just me or does this season feel really ... different from the last couple? I don't know if it's the way they're shooting the episodes now or what, but S5 just feels a lot different. And I like it.

I liked this episode. Yeah, it was almost exactly a rehash from "Reunion" last season and it was utterly predictable since, you know, Ronon can't leave the team, but I liked it all the same.

TPTB need to use Ronon more often and give him some actual meat besides "Let's shoot things!" because DAMN. He was good in this episode. He's definitely one of the better actors on the show.

Also, I'm loving that Teyla got the B-plot of this episode. Finally this girl is getting some screen time and character development. I think she's gotten more screen time in these last three episodes than she did in the majority of the back-half of season four. If TPTB keep giving us more Teyla, I'm going to be very happy. :D

While developing the Teyla/Kanaan relationship is making my little John/Teyla heart shrivel into itty bitty pieces, I do like where they're going with it so far. I'm glad that the actual addressed the "Should I go back to the team?" question in this episode instead of just glossing over it like they tend to do with so many things. I thought it was really well done, especially the scene where Teyla's holding her son and has to decide whether or not to go with the team. That spoke volumes for her character. And the little scenes with the family are just so damn cute I can't help but love them.

I really like what they're doing with Woosley's character too. Part of the problem of S4, I think, was that Sam just sort of slid comfortably into her leadership position and everyone was okay with it right off the bat. Well, everyone except Ronon, I suppose, but they definitely made things too easy for her. I loved seeing Woosley getting locked in the conference and getting lost looking for the cafeteria. I like that there's still plenty of friction between John and Woosley, and that things haven't been magically glossed over since last week episode.

Teyla and Woosley's interaction was wonderful too. The conversation about Woosley's dog was hilarious, and I like that Teyla consistently reaches out to whoever's in charge of the base, be it Elizabeth, Sam or Woosley. I hope they have more interactions in the next few episodes.

I can't wait for Daedulus Variations next week. I freakin' love alternate universes.

review, fandom: stargate atlantis

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