fic: With Great Power [SGA, PG-13]

Jul 15, 2008 15:39

Title: With Great Power
Rating: PG-13
Summary: John knew going to Italy for the summer had been a bad idea. You never knew what kind of trouble you were going to get in overseas. Crack-fic.
Character/Pairing: John and Teyla, with side appearances from the rest of the Atlantis cast and some SG-1 characters. coughJackcough
Notes: Written for pentapus for the John-and-Teyla Thing-a-Thon at john_teyla_fic for which I was horribly late. I suck like that. This one was inspired a little bit by the commercials for Wanted and Hellboy II that I've been stuck watching everyday since I don't have a DVD player.

“You are coming with me,” the woman said, her dark eyes intense. John would’ve thought her very pretty if, you know, she wasn’t trying to kidnap him and he didn’t already have a girlfriend.

character: john sheppard, challenge, character: teyla emmagen, genre: crackfic

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