A bunch of TV has come out on DVD/Netflix this month, so I've been catching up with all the shows I didn't watch because of lack of cable or laziness last year.
I'm about halfway through season one of Once Upon a Time and season three of The Vampire Diaries, and four episodes into season two of The Walking Dead. Planning on finishing The Vampire Diaries this week since there's a a bunch of stuff coming out that I want to start watching.
- I went and spoiled myself for the majority of the big deaths in The Walking Dead because I cannot handle the SUSPENSE during some episodes. I'm a terrible person I know. I'm still planning on finishing out the rest of the season, but The Walking Dead isn't really a show I can marathon all at once because of the terror it puts my nervous system through constantly so small breaks are needed!
- I like Once Upon A Time, even though it can be a bit cheesetastic and melodramatic a lot of the time. There are some strong episodes here and there, and I like the twists on old fairy tales it does but talk about pulling from the Disney lexicon for fairy tale imagery. Emma's my favorite character and I'm still very bitter about Graham dying and destroying my one ship in the show. I like Snow White and Charming better in fairy tale land than Storybrooke, but basically I like everything non-Emma centric better outside of Storybrooke.
Also, the reveal about whatever the fuck Snow White did to Regina better be good otherwise I am calling shenanigans on her whole revenge plot, tbh.
- Ahhh, The Vampire Diaries, my other supernatural themed guilty pleasure show. If I hadn't had to work or made myself go to the gym this weekend, I probably would've had season three finished by tonight. There is just something about this show that sucks me in and won't let go until I've gorged myself on a million zillion episodes a day. It must be the kickass cliffhangers because that's what keeps me watching True Blood, even after a particularly unsatisfying episode.
I really like Stefan's character arc this season and, despite reports I heard from other disgruntled fans (aka my roommate), Damon is still being Damon and I still love him even though he continues to STAB ME IN THE BACK every five episodes. Basically Damon is the only woobie bad boy I put up with and actually like, and I DON'T KNOW WHY. I don't think I ship Damon/Elena any more though, probably because all my ship hopes are centered on Caroline/Tyler which I know will be CRUSHED by the end of the season since this show lives to destroy all of Caroline's relationships and replace them with something new but I will NOT get on the Klaus/Caroline train, do you understand, show? DO YOU?
Elena's character development and arc has been nice this first half of the season too. I like that she's not relying on Stefan and Damon to protect her any more and learning how to take care of herself too.
I will see how long my warm feelings for TVD last since I've heard the writing this season has been so-so although I thought the first half of the season was really well done overall.