Totally got behind at watching Teen Wolf the last week because I was so busy with work and that whole pesky having-a-life thing. But anyway, time for a reaction post to last week's episode.
- WHY DOES JACKSON GET ALL THE CREEPY MIRROR SCENES, HUH? Last season it was the claw coming out of his mouth, and this season we get a SNAKE OUT OF THE EYE SOCKET???! WHY, TEEN WOLF, WHY?
That being said, I thought Colton Haynes did an excellent job of being a total creep in this episode. Not his usual, I'm-a-doucheburger creep factor, but the I'm-being-mind-controlled-into-being-a-supernatural-murder creepiness. The locker room scene with Allison was really intense and uncomfortable! I like that she tends play the helpless female card with the supernaturals who underestimate her and is able to take advantage of them that way. Don't know how long it's going to work out for her, but keep on being awesome, Allison.
I don't know why Jackson keeps pushing Scott and Stiles away. He knows that Scott was trying to help him (I didn't post a reaction post from 2x06's episode, but that scene when he overhears Scott is just heartwrenching) and save him, but he's not being very cooperative. I wonder how much of it has to do with the Kanima control stuff? And did this episode establish the asshole science teacher as the guy in the car from 2x06?
- And in case the SNAKE/EYEBALL THING wasn't bad enough on the creepy scale for this episode, let's just have LYDIA MAKE OUT WITH PETER HALE'S CORPSE too. Holy crap, that was also an uncomfortable scene, even after the reveal. I'd read the theories that Lydia was hallucinating young Peter so I wasn't all that surprised that that's what the dude from "next door" turned out to be but still, quite a good reveal. I'm disappointed she'd not going to wolf out, but interested to see what they'll do with her immunity.
I don't understand why Allison, Stiles or Scott just won't tell Lydia the truth. She was bitten by a werewolf! She's super smart! Derek was trying to kill her! Why don't you people think she can handle it? Maybe Allison's wishing she'd never learned the truth about everything because her life has changed dramatically since then and trying to keep Lydia's life as normal as possible? I don't know, but I wish they would stop it. It doesn't make sense to keep Lydia in the dark like this, especially since her ex-boyfriend is going around killing people and shit.
- Why is Scott's mom not involved in the show more? Loved her scene tearing up Scott's room and in the police station. But lady, please rethink your friendship with Mama Argent because she is not out for the best interests of your kid.
- LOVED Scott/Allison in the last episode, but was not pleased that Scott did his MUST-PUT-ALLISON-FIRST shit after Erica started having a seizure. C'mon, man, how many times does Allison have to tell you that she can take care of herself before you believe her?
I really don't think Allison accepting Matt's (is that his name?) date offer means much of anything. She was clearly distracted and wasn't listening to what he was saying. I just hope it doesn't come back to bite her in the ass.
However, I do think everything else in their lives is putting a huge strain on their relationship, especially Allison's family who are just a bucket full of crazy. I don't want them to break up because they're my OTP. :(
- I SHIP ERICA/STILES. That's not exactly a secret since I'm pretty sure I ship everyone/everyone on this show, but I can't really get on board with Lydia/Stiles any more since Lydia clearly has zero interest in him romantically and Stiles doesn't seem to get that she needs space and to stop being a Nice Guy. I'd rather see Lydia become more comfortable with herself before shipping her with anyone else besides Allison. I do think Erica's going to feed into Stiles's I-want-to-be-a-hero! complex though.
I did like that we learned a bit more about her and she got to show off her softer side in this episode. Would like to know how her seizure is going to affect her newfound confidence since she it appeared she had been cured from the bite.
I'll be watching the latest episode tonight at some point, so it will be interesting to see all of my theories get blown out of the water. Already spoiled myself for the big event in this episode though because I'm horrible and
teenwolffans posts way too many intriguing links.