In case you weren't previously aware, last summer I kind of fell in love with MTV's Teen Wolf. Mostly because of the swaths of incredibly attractive and usually shirtless men on there, but then it had to go and actually have PLOT and interesting CHARACTERS and tons of BAMF ladies with agency and story lines and STILES, who is better than all your favorites ever.
So yes, new obsession, possibly new things to write about if I ever get an idea that sticks more than two minutes. I'm probably going to start a couple reaction posts here since tumblr fandom is 98 percent Derek/Stiles posts all the time and it's also tumblr, the worst place to host a fandom discussion ever.
Anyway. Time for my thoughts on episode four and probably a couple of left over thoughts from the first few episodes of the season too.
- Our creepy lizard monster has been revealed to be a kanima... or however it's spelled. I've seen like 12 different versions of it. The big theories right now are that Jackson and Lydia could be it, but I don't think that's the case since a) they both got bit by werewolves and their bodies apparently rejected the bite, so unless that turns you into a creepy lizard thing, that's a no go and b) Teen Wolf's plot isn't anywhere near that obvious with the Big Bad mystery of the season so both of them are probably just red herrings.
Not to say that there isn't something going on with either of them (still holding out hope that Lydia's going to be a werewolf!) but I don't think either of them are lizard creatures. There's a whole host of new characters being introduced that could be it rather than the series regular.
- This episode had the big Stiles/Derek scenes... which ended up them two being stuck in a pool for two hours while the lizard creature stalked around waiting for them because it was afraid of water, which I found to be highly improbable. Why wouldn't the damn thing leave after all that time? This is pretty much all of tumblr fandom is talking about right now and how about Scott's a dick for hanging up on Stiles in his time of need when Scott was, you know, snooping around in Grandpa Hey-Let's-Cut-Werewolves-In-Half! Argent's bedroom and was in danger himself.
- Speaking of the Argents, HOLY CRAP IS EVERYONE BUT PAPA ARGENT AND ALLISON CRAZY IN THIS FAMILY. And this came from the last episode, but can I just say how super awesome is it that the Argents and the rest are a matriarchal werewolf/monsters hunting group? What the hell is this progressive shit doing on a show on MTV? I mean, come on.
- Not looking forward to the hate that's going to come Lydia and Erica's way for getting in the way of Stiles/Derek later in the season. This is why I haven't been into a TV show fandom for a long time.
- I really really love Scott/Allison this season, and I don't know why? I hated it last season, possibly because Scott was really whiny about their relationship and his feeeeelings, but now that she knows he's a werewolf and they're on even footing, they're kind of super awesome? I especially like that she didn't throw a jealous fit when she saw Scott and Erica together in the third episode and was like, "Whatever, don't care, we have more important business to deal with than Erica flirting with you." I LOVE YOU ALLISON.
I'm so glad Stiles/Lydia is getting more screentime this season because I love them. I just want Lydia to stop caring about whatever anyone else and start being the badass smart girl she knows she is instead of hiding it for Jackson or anyone else's sake. I think we're already starting to see that in the first couple of episodes and I'm so excited to see how she develops. AND THE STILES/LYDIA SCENE THIS EPISODE, UGH, RIGHT IN THE HEART.
Also, I'd totally get on board the Scott/Allison/Stiles train at any point in this show, JUST SAYING. Or Lydia/Allison. I'm not picky.
- On that note, I'm really surprised Scott/Stiles isn't the fandom's slash OTP or even has more of presence in fandom because they have just as much banter as Derek/Stiles (see above gif for reference), they're BFFs, and there's no violent undertone like there is with Derek/Stiles? Then again, Scott's not the white bad boy woobie, and fandom seems to hate him for NO PARTICULAR REASON, so...
I don't think this post was coherent at all, but whatever. TEEN WOLF.