In which Rick Riordan continues to bait all P/A shippers everywhere

May 31, 2012 15:02

The first full chapter of Mark of Athena has been released on the Heroes of Olympus. There's a couple more pages than what Rick read in the video a few weeks about, but enough to fanrage squee about.

Let's just cut to the most important part:

The crowd was over a hundred strong now. Annabeth scanned the faces and... oh gods. She saw him. He was walking toward the ship with his arms around the two other kids like they were best buddies - a stout boy with a black buzz cut, and a girl wearing a Roman calvary helmet. Percy looked so at ease, so happy. He wore a purple cape just like Jason's - the mark of a praetor.

Annabeth's heart did a gymanstics routine.

BUT OF COURSE, the preview leaves off TWO PAGES before a possible reunion scene killing ALL OF MY JOY. I just want my OTP to be REUNITED ALREADY, RSQUARED. WHY MUST I WAIT UNTIL OCTOBER?

Anyway, I'm really interested to know what part Annabeth's going to play overall in this book. Depending on what website you visit, MoA's going to be well over 500 pages (I think Amazon even said 600) and the description of on the HoO website indicates there's going to be four POVs this time around, obviously including Annabeth.

And then there's this little nugget from the summary:

In a fantastical ship called the Argo II, seven demigods journey by air across the United States and by sea to Rome on their quest to defeat the earth mother, Gaea. Meanwhile, war is breaking out between the Roman and Greek demigods they left behind, and only Annabeth holds the key to restoring peace.

This kind of reads is that Annabeth's not one of the seven and gets left behind? But I suppose it can also be interpreted that she could be one of the seven and needs to find something on the quest to keep the peace? I really don't think Annabeth would just sit back and let Percy going on a huge quest like this without her, especially if they'd just been reunited. Perhaps this is what all that HEY ANNABETH'S GONNA BE DIFFICULT FOR YOU, PERCY in Son of Neptune was all about?

I have so maaaaany feelings about Annabeth and her role in this book, and I just want it to be October already!

But LOL at Terminus telling Annabeth not to destroy things. THAT'S PERCY'S JOB, BRO. And he did such a good job of it already.

And the cover's supposed to be released tomorrow as well, so yay!

fandom: heroes of olympus, squee, rsquared is a troll

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