Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus series timeline

Dec 15, 2011 21:12

This is something I've been messing around with since Son of Neptune came out and there was a lot of head scratching done about Riordan's numbers game regarding when Jason and Percy went missing. So I decided to be a nerd a finish it up this week. I posted a rough draft on tumblr last night and went back to finalize it up and reformat it before posting it here.

I tried to be as accurate as possible, but there's probably a 1-2 year error on anything that isn't specifically stated with a year date in canon which wasn't much, to tell you the truth. I based most of the PJO events on Percy's birthday since it was one of the few dates we actually had in canon and to get his year date, I subtracted 16 from the year The Last Olympian was published (2009) to get his birthdate at August 18, 1993. Everything else was based largely on what was found in canon, but some of that is still contradictory and up to interpretation.

Feel free to ask questions about how I decided on certain dates or argue with me about stuff on the timeline. I love to nerd out about this stuff. I'll probably update the timeline as more information comes out.


  • 1861-1865: American Civil War. Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood fight, are subsequently separated from each other’s knowledge by the gods.

  • 1920s: Olympus moves to New York.
  • Dec. 17, 1928: Hazel Levesque born.
  • Mid to-late 1930s: Bianca di Angelo and Nico di Angelo are born
  • 1940/1941: Great Prophecy is given. Big Three vow not to have any more children.
  • Fall 1941: Maria di Angelo is killed. Bianca and Nico di Angelo are put into the Lotus Hotel and Casino. Curse is placed on the Oracle.
  • Dec. 17, 1941: Pluto visits Hazel Levesque and her mother in New Orleans.
  • Early 1942: Hazel and her mother move to Alaska.
  • Mid to late-1942: Hazel and her mother die.
  • Early to mid-1970s: Sally Jackson born.
  • Mid to late-1970s: Sally’s parents die in plane crash near Ontario when she’s five years old.
  • General: Michael Varus leads the Fifth Cohort to Alaska and never returns.
  • Mid to late-1980s: Sally Jackson’s uncle dies of cancer while she’s in her senior year of high school.
  • 1986: Luke Castellan born.
  • 1987/1988: May Castellan tries and fails to become the new Oracle.
  • Dec. 22, 1988: Thalia Grace born.
  • Summer-Winter 1992: Poseidon meets Sally Jackson. Percy conceived.
  • Aug. 18, 1993: Percy Jackson born.
  • 1993: Annabeth Chase and Frank Zhang born.
  • July 1, 1994: Jason Grace born.
  • 1994/1995: Leo Valdez and Piper McLean born.
  • 1996: Ms. Grace gives Jason to Hera as her ward.
  • 1997: Jason trains with Lupa and arrives at Camp Jupiter.
  • 1997/1998: Sally Jackson marries Gabe Ugliano. Thalia and Luke run away, and meet each other.
  • 2000: Annabeth runs away from home, encounters Luke and Thalia.
  • 2000/2001: Annabeth and Luke arrive at Camp Half-Blood. Thalia is turned into a tree.
  • 2002: Esperanza Valdez dies in a fire. Leo is put in a foster home.
  • Sept. 2005 OR Jan. 2006: Mrs. Dodds teaches pre-algebra at Yancy Academy. Percy starts Yancy Academy in September.
  • Dec. 22, 2005: Luke steals Zeus’s master bolt.
  • May 2006: Mrs. Dodds attacks Percy at the museum.
  • June 2006: Percy is kicked out of Yancy Academy, attacked by the Minotaur and brought to Camp Half-Blood for the first time.
  • mid-June 2006: Percy’s first quest.
  • June 20, 2006: Percy returns the master bolt to Zeus on Olympus, meets his father for the first time.
  • Aug. 18, 2006: Percy turns 13.
  • Late Aug. 2006: Luke is revealed to be a traitor and disappears from Camp Half-Blood.
  • Fall 2006: Percy meets Tyson.
  • Spring/Summer 2007: Bianca and Nico di Angelo are pulled out of the Lotus Casino and Hotel, and enrolled in school by Mrs. Dodds/Alecto.
  • June 2007: Grover is kidnapped. Thalia’s tree is poisoned. Annabeth, Percy, Tyson and Clarisse go on a quest to the sea of months. Percy and Annabeth encounter Hylla on Circe’s island. Thalia is resurrected.
  • Aug. 18, 2007: Percy turns 14.
  • Summer/Fall 2007: Hylla and Reyna escape from Circe’s island and go their separate ways. Reyna ends up at Camp Jupiter.
  • December 2007: Percy meets Nico, Bianca, and the Hunters for the first time. Annabeth is kidnapped. Sally starts dating Paul.
  • Dec. 20, 2007: Bianca di Angelo dies.
  • Dec. 21, 2007: Percy meets Rachel Elizabeth Dare for the first time. Zoe Nightshade dies. Thalia joins the Hunters.
  • Late 2007/Early 2008: Clarisse explores the labyrinth.
  • Early 2008: Silena is recruited as a spy.
  • Spring 2008: Luke visits Annabeth and asks her to run away with him.
  • Early June 2008: Percy meets Rachel Elizabeth Dare again. Annabeth starts the quest in the labyrinth.
  • Mid-June 2008: Percy is stranded on Calypso’s island for two weeks.
  • Late June 2008: Luke’s body is taken over by Kronos. Battle of the Labyrinth occurs. Lee Fletcher and Castor die.
  • July 4, 2008: Festus is discovered and turned on. Percy and Annabeth attend the fireworks together.
  • Aug. 18, 2008: Percy turns 15.
  • Late Dec. 2008: Nico, Thalia and Percy go to the Underworld on a quest for the sword of Hades.
  • Late 2008/Early 2009: Sally marries Paul Blofis. Nico discovers and visits Camp Jupiter for the first time.
  • June 24, 2009: Jason and Reyna are elected praetors of Camp Jupiter.
  • Aug. 11, 2009: Rachel kisses Percy. Charles Beckendorf dies.
  • Aug. 14-18, 2009: Battle of Manhattan occurs. Silena Beauregard, Michael Yew and others die.
  • Aug. 18, 2009: Luke Castellan dies. Percy turns 16, fulfilling the Great Prophecy. Rachel Elizabeth Dare becomes the Oracle. Percy and Annabeth start dating.
  • Late August/September 2009: Percy Jackson meets Carter Kane.
  • Sept. 18, 2009: Percy and Annabeth's one month anniversary.
  • Fall 2009: Thanatos is captured by Gaia’s forces. Underworld starts to leak. Zeus cuts off communication to the demigods and Hera is captured.
  • September 2009: Nico finds Hazel in the Underworld and brings her to Camp Jupiter.
  • October 2009: Jason goes missing from Camp Jupiter.
  • Dec. 15, 2009: Percy goes missing from Camp Half-Blood.
  • Dec. 18, 2009: Jason appears on the Wilderness School Bus with no memory.
  • Dec. 19, 2009: Jason, Leo and Piper leave on their quest.
  • Dec. 21, 2009: Jason and Thalia are reunited.
  • Dec. 22, 2009: Jason, Leo and Piper free Hera, and return to Camp Half-Blood.
  • Early January 2010: Jason and Piper begin dating.
  • Late April 2010: Emily Zhang dies. Frank goes to Lupa.
  • May 2010: Frank Zhang arrives at Camp Jupiter.
  • April/May 2010: Percy wakes up and trains with Lupa.
  • Late May/Early June 2010: Percy starts journey toward Camp Jupiter, is waylaid by gorgons.
  • June 19: Percy arrives at Camp Jupiter.
  • June 20-24: Frank, Hazel and Percy go on quest to get the Roman standard back. Percy’s memory returns. Nico di Angelo is captured by Gaia's forces.
  • June 24, 2010: Percy elected as a praetor of Camp Jupiter.
  • June 25, 2010: The Argo II arrives at Camp Jupiter. Percy and Annabeth are reunited. The conflict between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter begins after the Argo II fires on Camp Jupiter. The seven flee Camp Jupiter.

fandom: percy jackson and the olympians, - misc, fandom: heroes of olympus

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