fic: In Which Nico Is Ridiculously Dense [PJO, Nico/Annabeth/Percy, PG-13]

Sep 27, 2010 11:15

Title: In Which Nico Is Ridiculously Dense
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Nico/Annabeth/Percy, distracting somebody from work
Notes: Another from the drabble meme. This OT3 is always so much fun.

In Which Nico Is Ridiculously Dense

Out of the corner of his eye, Percy noticed that Annabeth was fiddling with the top button of her shirt.

Well, technically, she was wearing his work shirt as she lounged in their comfy arm chair, the big sleeves pushed up around her elbows and dark blue material bringing out the golden color of her skin. Her bare legs were kicked up over one of chair's arms while her head was propped up on her hand, a heavy looking course book in her lap. How long had she been sitting there? She'd been sleeping, last time he had checked.

Annabeth turned a page in her book and glanced up, catching his eye. She smirked and shifted her on the chair, drawing his shirt high enough up her thigh for Percy to realize that she probably didn't have much on underneath. Gods have mercy...

"Goddammit Percy, pay attention!"

Startled, Percy whipped his head back around just in time to see his avatar drop dead on screen with a grunt of pain. Besides him, Nico cussed in fury and took his hand off his controller long enough to swat him in the head.

"Ouch! What'd you do that for?" Percy demanded, even if it didn't hurt in the slightest. It was the principle of the matter, really.

"You are going to ruin this game if you don't keep your concentration," Nico said, his fingers clicking away furiously at the buttons as he navigated his avatar through the level. "I have been waiting weeks to take these assclowns down, and you are not going to take this moment away from me, do you understand?"

This was not the first time Percy had heard this speech nor would it be his last. Ever since Nico had been introduced to Call of Duty and then the world of Xbox Live, he had become ridiculously competitive about it, almost on a maniac level, and for a guy who's fatal flaw was holding grudges, Percy didn't necessarily think this was the healthiest hobby in the world for him.

But whatever. At least he had a hobby.

Percy allowed his attention to return to the game for a few moments until it was broken by Annabeth's loud sigh.

"You're really not going to play that stupid game all day, are you?" she asked, snapping her textbook closed. Percy willed himself to stay focused on the game and not look over at her again. He knew her full mouth had to have pulled into a sensual pout and gods, did he love what her mouth could do -

The controller vibrated in his hands as his avatar was hit by some kind of debris, drawing him out of his trance.

“Yes, we are,” Nico snapped. “This is what we always do on Saturdays when you're in class.”

“But I'm here today and I think we could be do far more enriching things than playing this stupid video game,” Annabeth replied, a teasing note in her voice. Percy glanced over at her long enough to notice that she had undone the first two buttons on his shirt and was working on the third; he gulped and quickly returned his attention to the TV. “I mean, the three of us are here. Alone. On a Saturday morning.”

Ever the smart ass and king of Missing The Point Entirely, Nico shot back, “That tends to happen when you have your own apartment. And would you stop distracting Percy already? He's shitty enough at this game as it is.”

“Hey, I'm the one who taught you how to play in the first place!”

“Still doesn't mean you don't suck, Jackson.”

Percy heard Annabeth sigh again, although whatever else she said was lost in the noise of the game as the battle picked up and explosions went off on screen.

But Annabeth was not about to lose their attention again. In seconds, she had hopped out of the chair and standing in front of the TV, hands on her hips and blocking their view.

“Annabeth, what in Zeus's balls are you - ”

Annabeth reached forward and snatched the controller out of Nico's hands, dropping it on the floor off to the side. Nico let out a little squawk of horror, but before he could dive after it, Annabeth pushed his back into the couch and straddled him.

“You both can play your stupid game after I've gotten laid a couple times,” she said, guiding Nico's hand between her legs, under her shirt. Judging by Nico's wide-eyed expression, Percy had been right about the fact that she had nothing on underneath. “How's that sound?”

Nico shot a pained expression at the flat screen over her shoulder, prompting Percy to pause the game and reach over for Annabeth.

“Let 'em play his game if he wants to, Annabeth,” he said, working the fourth button on the shirt free to expose the valley of her breasts and top of her smooth stomach. The other man exhaled sharply. “You and I can have our own fun.”

He shared a wicked grin with Annabeth who looked back at Nico and, knowing his answer, said innocently, “So Nico. What's it gonna be?”

fandom: percy jackson and the olympians, character: percy jackson, character: nico di angelo, character: annabeth chase, genre: ot3, - fic, ship: nico/annabeth/percy

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