Theories for The Lost Hero

Jun 02, 2010 13:56

Now that I've had time to (mostly) stop squeeing about the preview chapter from The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero, I have started theorizing and I'd rather do it in a new post than in my comments sections!

So, here we go with my theories/discussion/speculation. Everything's under the cut to avoid spoilers. Unless you saw some of the squee in the other post, that is.

- Jason, Piper, and Leo are clearly our new trio. Leo = son of Hermes, and Jason = son of Zeus or I have a theory about him that I'll touch on later. Piper, I have no clue about but I'm leaning toward a minor goddess like Peitho, goddess of persuasion, based on Leo's tiny comment about the her talking a guy into giving her a BMW or something. ADMIRE MY OVERREACTION BASED ON CONTEXT CLUES, SERIOUSLY, THEY'RE GOING INTO OVERDRIVE TODAY.

I like Jason and the fact that it's not in first person; definitely no where near as funny as Percy, but I think Leo's going to make up for that. I was giggling like crazy whenever he opened his mouth. I adore that Piper's part Native American, and I'm glad they're a little bit older than when Percy started. I always felt like Percy had too old of a voice for a 12 year old main character. And I'm guessing that Percy and Annabeth are like 18/19ish in this story?

- Butch = badass son of Iris. No self-respecting son of Ares would have a rainbow tattoo on his bicep, okay.

- I knew Percy was going to be the lost hero. Because he totally would go and get himself kidnapped at some point - it's like the one thing that hasn't happened to him yet. So now the question is who took him, who's going to get him back, and if he's going to survive for the next couple of books.

- Going off of this, would Annabeth go on the quest to get Percy back? Because having her along with the newbies would be a really easy way to ease us into the transition of not having Percy as a narrator and let us get used to the newbies with a familiar face.

- And if there's a quest, that means we'll probably get to see Rachel. And Nico at some point because my OT3 love would demand nothing else too.

- Speaking of Rachel! I'm guessing that's the "she" Annabeth was referring to in the chapter. At first I thought maybe Athena had told her something about Percy being lost, but Athena would probably be cackling in glee that he was gone or something. So now I'm anticipating a Rachel-and-Annabeth showdown scene once they get to camp, which is great because those girls need more scenes together.


- Rick Riordan, you pick the best place to write battle scenes, I swear.

- I remember reading something that the Roman gods were supposed to come into play with this book, which would explain why there were a couple moments when they were like, The Greek name is... with the villains and Jason... which leads me to my weirdass theory about his parentage.

Jason refers to everything with Roman terms and his coin/sword thing has a Julius Caesar on it, and his supernatural abilities would connect him to Zeus. Maybe I'm just being overeager for a mythological throwdown, but would it be possible that Jupiter is his father instead? I know kind of like the same god with different names, but canon shows that Roman deities like Pomona and Janus, if not adopted into the pantheon, exist separately on their own. Could the same be said for the bigger Roman gods? Perhaps they had their power diminished a la Pan or downsized like Helios in recent times, but they can still have kids~

Anyone else want to take a whack at that one? It just seems like it'd be too soon, even for the big philander himself, for another kid of Zeus to be popping out of the woodwork and I don't think Riordan would do a child of the Big Three as the protagonist again after Percy.

And, um, that's all I could think of right now. I'll probably have more ~thoughts~ later.

What do you think?

spoilers, fandom: heroes of olympus

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