WiP progress report

Mar 31, 2010 12:08

In answer to the people who have been inquiring, yes, I am working on the next chapter of Death's Dare.

When my computer crashed last month, I lost the most recent copy of chapter ten and I didn't recover it until two weeks ago. I've realized that I need to do some major restructuring of my plot outline (ha, what plotline, you say, to which I respond with a, you're correct, there is no plotline except UST, how clever of me), so most of what I'd written for chapter ten is useless now anyway. In short, I'm hoping to finish a chapter within the next week. Maybe.

As for the Demigod Snatchers...I might have been too hasty in posting that. The more I look at what I have, the more I hate it, so it may be getting yanked sooner or later, never to see the light of day again. /dramatic moment

I should be studying for a test right now...

why am i on lj?, writing

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