Six-Word Drabble Round-up: Single Characters and Het Pairings

Feb 21, 2010 20:20

Collecting my drabbles from the PJO Six-Word Drabblefest and organizing them here because, if there's one thing I'm organized with in my life, it is my fic archiving. Dividing this into a couple posts since I wrote a bunch of different stuff.



Sometimes she feels like she's drowning.


Percy's like sand; he gets everywhere.


"I said this wouldn't be easy."


He's never said, "I love you."


But neither has she. They're even.


Annabeth is pretty hot in armor.


Bloody, broken lips. One last kiss.


He's ridiculous; she's practical. They're perfect.


Their first time kind of sucks.


Annabeth's abnormally ticklish. Percy likes that.


Her hair falls over her shoulder.


Love at first fight, more like.


"I'm pregnant," she says.
"Well, shit."


It isn't monsters that kill him.


They meet again. It's nothing special.


Wedding on the beach. "How cliche,"
Aphrodite sighs, fanning herself with a
program. "Your daughter lacks creativity, dear."

Athena glares, purses her lips unhappily.
"It wasn't her idea," she replies.
Grey eyes flicker toward the altar.

Groom winces. Gives Athena a little
wave. "She still hates me," Percy
says to Nico through a tight smile.

"It's not too late to change
your mind," Nico says, checking his
corsage. "I hear most marriages end
in tragedy these days anyway."

"You are a miserable best man."



Rachel plays MythoMagic. Nico's in love.


She finds him in the graveyard.


There's paint on her cheeks. Beautiful.


The hardest part is the wait.


"I can't do this any more."


That son of Hades sure is cute.



Redhead and the hero. Go figure.


She makes him feel normal, almost.


He's a foot taller than her.


"I predict..."
"I'm gonna do this?"


Percy loves Rachel's freckles. They're everywhere.


"Why me?"
"You need a reason?"



Nico knows he's just a replacement.


Dark corners, hot mouths, soft whimpers.


He's going to leave a mark.


"Percy found out."
"That's too bad."


She won't chose him, he's sure.


There's a knock on the door.


Annabeth's there, smiling, golden hair gleaming.



"Good boys won't do this, Rachel."


Hand between her legs, fingers moving -


Grips his shoulders, her chest heaves.


He smirks, licks his lips. Bends.


No. Good boys wouldn't do that.



Five years. He visited every day.


He leaves. No goodbyes.
Doesn't understand.


Tells himself trees don't feel pain.


But they do. Oh, they do.


Thalia wakes up on the ground.
Green eyes where blue should be.


She's too late to save him.



He's the first one she sees
once she gets her body back.

First one who touches her, cradles
her body against his warm chest.

It's only natural she'd fall for
him. Boy heroes are a weakness.


They rage; sea and sky together.
But they make a wicked team
when they stop fighting each other.


The whole eternal virgin thing? Yeah,
not as great as advertised. Thalia
misses him when she least expects.


Rachel Elizabeth Dare

Rachel always thought she was crazy.


She met Percy; everything seemed right.


Dreams don't stop, even in daylight.


Caught in-between worlds, she must choose.


"I'm proud of you."
"Thanks Dad."


This probably wasn't her best idea.


"Kiss me, please."
Apollo leans forward.


Rachel wears bright red. Just because.

ship: thalia/luke, genre: drabble, ship: percy/annabeth, - fic, ship: rachel/nico, ship: luke/rachel

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