Current word count: 45,900
I'm going to try and get to 50K sometime today because I have a paper for class I really need to be working on in the next two days instead, and I'd like to get the rest of it finished so I don't have to worry about it any more.
I discovered on Thursday that my Word program has been callously lying to me about my word count for the entire month...but in a good way. I checked my word count with the NaNo Web site's verification gadget, and it added almost 200 words to the overall count. Apparently Word likes to count hypenated words just as one word, which is kind of a pain in the ass, but whatever. At least I don't have to make up 200 words, right?
The fic itself kind of hit a lull right around the 35K mark. Right now I'm more or less writing it just to get to 50K rather than for publishing-on-the-Web purposes. It is a pretty hot mess. I mean, I had Percy and one of my OC's talk about Twilight for 400 words the other day, even though it really didn't add anything to the plot, just because I could. Although it did generate this line:
They hadn’t been amused when Percy had pointed out the fact that he had been in the Bella in their situation, when both Rachel and Annabeth had been after his affections a couple of years ago.
And Rachel discovered that she could use her predictive powers to get free shit from demigod designers, so it wasn't all that bad. I guess.
In other news, some fantastically lovely person started