Merlin 2x03: The Nightmare Begins

Oct 24, 2009 13:41

Finally caught up with the recent episodes of Merlin I missed. WHYYY did I wait so long for the awesome?!

1x03: The Nightmare Begins

FAVORITE EPISODE SO FAR, HANDS DOWN. Yes, there were a lot of stupid, face palming moments, but Morgana's my favorite character, so I was squeeing all over the place anyway.

Mordred still remains one of the creepiest little kids, EVER, and he totally has a crush on Morgana. I wish there would've been more time spent with the druids so we could've got to see them a little more and have Morgana learn a bit more about her powers. I'm really interested to see how the show is going to take these characters into the Arthurian mythology, and if they'll really go the route that the myths go, seeing as though they've changed everything else up a bit.

Also? MORGANA/MERLIN IS MY NEW FAVORITE SHIP. Please tell me there was tons of awesome Merlin/Morgana fic written after this episode, because I crave it so much and if there isn't, I'll just have to write it myself. I wanted to throw something at the screen when Merlin just didn't come out and tell her that he had magic too! Seriously, COME ON JUST TELL SOMEONE ALREADY MERLIN, YOU'RE KILLING ME.

I loved the hints of Gwen/Arthur in this episode too (Arthur is ~pining~ ahahaha), and that the Merlin/Arthur banter was back without the mean streak it had in the first two episodes. See? They can be friends! :D

Still watching Lancelot and Guinevere, but comment right off the bat: ARTHUR SAD PUPPY DOG FACE, AWWWW.

I need a Morgana icon...

review, fandom: merlin

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