Post 104

May 22, 2004 20:39

"I want anyone and everyone who reads this to post in here something they would like to do with me someday.

Then post this in your journal to find out what I want to do with you (if I haven't already responded to your request)."


I shaved yesterday haha its been a while. I watched this movie BIG FISH today, it was amazing, I laughed I cried. Everyone should see it. I studied for my Biology Exam ever since I woke up this morning. I found out I was taking drivers ed June 1-4 with my friend Hayley and Nita Marie so that’s going to be really awesome. I am so freaking scared to drive…can someone give me some confidence.

Jolly good, wot! Anyone for tennis? That'll be ten ponies, guv. You're the epitome of everything that is english. Yey :) Hoist that Union Jack!

How British are you?

this quiz was made by alanna

A few ways to say hello:
(OH-la) Hola - Spanish
(JEEN-do-bri) Dzien dobry - polish
(nah-MUS-stay) Nameste - Hindu
(saw-oo-BOH-nah) Sawubona - Zulu
(pree-yat-no) Prijatno - Macedonian
(ANN - yohng) Annyong - Korean
(Sha-lohm) Shalom - Hebrew
(nee how) Ni Hao - Chinese
(Ko-nee-chee-wa) Konnichiwa - Japanese

Your Energy is Turquoise. Full of fresh ideas,
liveliness, and imagination, you bring faith
and enlightenment to others. You usually
project a calm and cool exterior and are
capable of dealing with demanding events with a
take it in stride attitude. You tend to see
things clearly and dont panic easily.

You relate well to the world of ideas and anything
innovative. You would make an excellent
inventor, scientist, quantum physicist, airline
pilot, astronomer or New Age entrepreneur.

What color is your energy?
brought to you by Quizilla
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