So I've been applying for EVERYTHING lately. Discovered the joy that is the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits webpage ( Gotten a few interviews off that. Didn't get the job I REALLY REALLY OH PLEASE BY ALL THE GODS OF COMMERCE AND HUMANITY HIRE ME!!!! wanted. Was with the Hearing and Service Dogs of MN. Would have been processing applications for people getting assistance dogs. Would have been SO GODDAMN COOL. Said they'll keep me in mind.
Financial situation getting fairly desperate around here. It's the slow season for Yoric, the Cable Guy, and almost everyone at his company's been laid off. Since he's the #7 tech currently, he's still in. He's still stunned by that. Anyway, his paychecks are no longer regular/a consistent amount, and my unemployment is getting toward running out and it's not covering our expenses either. I may have a 2-month temp job lined up. Will hear this next week. Also had an interview for a receptionist position at a place that offers living services for disabled adults. Cool org, just not sure I want the job.
I've gotten over my fear of interviews, I think. I had a workshop, did some mock ones, and went through enough lately that I realize that it's just another theatrical production: I'm selling myself. I've gotten pretty smooth and glib. Question at last interview: "What are three things you would keep in your back pocket as a receptionist with us? Metaphorically speaking."
My response: "Patience, a smile, and a sense of humor."
*pat on the back*