Mar 24, 2008 17:46
Okay. So 16 weeks later, here I am. In bullet points:
*I moved to Carol Stream with Alyssa, from NIU days. Apartment? Very nice. Needs some serious liquor though... we have a little vodka, rum, and four beers... and no mixers...
*TV--42" no-name brand. At 42" with a good report from Consumer Reports? Don't care.
*Weight? Gained 15 pounds... In the words of my hero, Bridget Jones: GAH!
*Kitty? Still cute :)
*Couch? Finally arrived after the bastards Wickes tricked us... had no idea back in January they were going out of business, and promised the couch a week later... came six and a half weeks later... Porch furniture was the fashionable furniture in our place.
*Getting along fine with roommate
*Rereading The Golden Compass--well, actually the audio book. Could use some suggestions for audio books. They get me walking.
*Also whoring out for WW breakfast ideas that are quick... can't seem to eat right for breakfast, and I'm always starving by 10.
How are you all?