inter views an stuff

Apr 30, 2006 02:38

ok i got interviewed by JaysunRocks and anotherwhiteguy so here's the explination thing

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions

and here are the answers:
to jaysunrocks interview

1. What's the best concert that you've ever been to? the best would have to be either Ozzfest 2005 in Tennessee or In Flames, Trivium, Devil Driver, and Zao. Its hard to pick jus one but I still have tons more to go
2. How goes the weight loss? Well its going slow for a couple of reasons, mainly the sodas which i'm working on pushing out again. that and i haven't had time to go talk to that doc i want to see cause of work. cause well i live at work
3. So okay, I'm going to learn how to cook one of these days. Tell me a decent dish to start out with.i would suggest something simple like steak. that way you can work on stove tempetures and cook time that or eggs would be a good one

4. So okay, Final Fantasy VIII or Final Fantasy IX? Which is better to you?
i say 8 though nothing beats 7 and 10. 8 to me had a good overall story though way too drawn out. that and 9 had fucking bobble head in it. I FUCKING HATE BOBBLE HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!

5. Top three movies, go!Advent Children,Braveheart,Pulp Fiction
damn, top ten movies would have been easier.
answers to anotherwhiteguy interview

1. What the hell are you doing working so many hours? making money to pay bills, get ahead in life and be comfortable later on

2. If you could choose a movie and song that has most influenced your life, what would they be? a movie, hmmmm... thats one i can't answer at the current moment. a song however is a hard one to answer cause there have been a few....nothing else matters by metallica,(fuck off) few years back i ahd alot going on, mainly things i was working out with myself and the path i was heading down. along with others things i really don't care to get into. well i was riding around one night listening to music like i used to do all the time late at night and this song came on and it made me realize that i had put myself on the back burner and was holding myself back from some the next step in my journy through liofe so to speak. so i decided then and there it was time for a change.

3. What one event has changed your life more than any other? when my mother went into the hospital for her heart and had surgery. it was a rude awakening, a life changing, and ultimately i came out of the whole ordeal as a stronger, more mature person.

4. If you had a hammer, what would you do? i'd be too legit to quit(bad joke)

5. Scenic or direct? Or would you rather fly or drive on a long trip? scenic and drive. i love road trips

well there it is folks. if yoiu want you can have me interview you but it might take a lil bit so bare with me.
Rob Out
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