El Mundo (a newspaper in Spain) interviewed Jackson. I am too lazy to translate the whole thing.....sorry (for my fellow Spanish speakers, you can read the interview
here). Honestly, he didn't say anything we haven't heard before. He loves acting and music, talks about Jasper, etc.
I did translate the most important part, though:
7. ¿Viste la final del mundial?
Sí, la vi, estaba en Londres. Creo que España ha jugado muy bien, merecían ganar, era el mejor equipo. Yo desde luego les estaba apoyando. Tenía muchas ganar de ir anoche a animar a los jugadores, pero no pude ir porque tenía una cena con los actores. Pero yo les decía que deberíamos habernos ido a celebrarlo. La noche del partido iba corriendo por las calles de Londres gritando ‘Viva España’.
7. Did you match the World Cup final?
Yeah, I saw it when I was in London. I think Spain played really well, they deserved to win, they were the better team. Of course I supported them. People went out last night to cheer for the players, but I couldn’t go because I had a dinner with the other actors. But I told them we should have gone out to celebrate with everyone. The night of the game people were running down the streets of London yelling, ‘Viva España!”
(Jackson in Madrid earlier today. Yes....he's wearing a Spain scarf on his head......lolz Idek)
Okay, maybe not everyone is obsessed with Spain winning the World Cup like I am. In that case......here's some other news so that this post has a point:
100 Monkeys is returning to the airwaves of Artists On Demand to talk about their 100 City Tour, which they are slowly working their way across the country, their new music (Including new single Future Radio) and Spencer Bell Legacy Concert in August.
They will be on the radio show (which is a 1 hour program) on July 18 at 9PM.