Renewed Resolve and Motivation

Jan 13, 2009 11:00

The past couple of years have been really challenging for me, and my art. Producing works consistently has been downright impossible. I have managed to complete a few things and have several works in progress. While I don't make New Year's resolutions per se, I do seem to have a renewed determination to find a better balance.

One of the things that I am doing is a lot of reading and researching on the "business" end of my art. I need to improve my presence, and my marketing. I need to stop letting that take a backseat to everything else. How can I ever expect myself to actually get out of the "red" if I don't?

I am also determined to complete a number of outstanding pieces that I have. I need to be more consistent with blogging, works in progress, and so on.

Recently, I have managed to get a number of monkeys off my back, including sending trades and such to fellow artists. (If you are still waiting for something I didn't forget, likely, but bug me). I am trying to keep my studio clean, and prevent it from becoming the dumping ground for the rest of the house. How can I work if I can't find my desk/tools/paint under stuff that belongs elsewhere?

This attitude is true for other areas of my life, as well. I am trying to be the best possible person I can be - wife, mother, daughter, sibling, friend and community member. They don't all fit into a given day, but I sure as hell try.

A quick sketch last night, very late, after a long, exhausting day and a few glasses of wine (and it shows, lol)....a peek at my "cocoon". However, I wanted to get something done for the EBSQ Drawing Challenge II (, and I did. That was the goal and accomplishing it was important to me. I wish the piece was better, more elegant, etc, but so it goes. These challenges are for exercise, and that I did.

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