Aug 17, 2005 18:13
Yesterday I had to babysit Chad's little brother. I haven't been there in forever. Chad was there for a little bit but then he went to work..haven't talked to him in years. Then Deanna came over there. His dad came home so Deanna and I came to my house. Today I had to babysit. And tomorrow I have to babysit. Then at 4:30 tomorrow I have an interveiw at the Richmond Kroger. Now I kinda wish that I turned in my application to the New Baltimore one..oh well. Thennnn..Friday, I'm getting my cd player! And then my bonfire! Yeah...right now my mom's sick. So I can't leave til Dad gets home. I wanna go dooo something I'm so bored!
Eh, I'm out!
I love you Jack