May 19, 2007 11:26

I was living in the upstairs room of this old, wooded house--rickety, squeaky floor boards with missing pieces, dust everywhere, Little House on the Prairie type old--and apparently the downstairs was a saloon of sorts. The type of place where lousy gentlemen would go drink and play cards and have a shoot out. Well, I was upstairs putting things away (possibly straightening up) and started to hear a ruckus brewing downstairs, so I peeked through the railing bars to see what was going on and some men were sticking up the saloon and raiding its patrons. I was one frightened little lass. The only exit was downstairs, and I was very desperate to get not only me, but all of me stuff out of the house, especially my trunk and some pictures. I instinctively ran down the stairs and out of the door. Standing on the porch of the house, I had realized that I had forgotten my most precious possessions. So, I ran inside, scanned the saloon for those men, and headed for the stairs. Half way up, I saw a man ransacking my belongings--tossing clothes, sheets, pictures, paper (everything was white for some reason, but my dream was that dingy cream/beige color that some old pictures are taken)--and I started to whimper. The guy noticed a noise and I fled, out the door and up the street. When I got about a block away, I realized that the whole town is fleeing. Women with their children. Children with their dolls. Men with their rifles and dogs. And for some reason deer and stray dogs were running around. I started crying, more like weeping and hyperventilating. I scan around me again as my brain registers that the whole town has been overrun. I then stagger along, weeping, hyperventilating, looking for something. I'm looking for someone! I keep going and I see Bekah and Sarah. Bekah is carrying a dog she killed and roped up and we are all happy because that is going to be food. Sarah is carrying her crying baby. I see them and my heart melts. I then remember I am without my trunk and pictures, and the weeping and hysterics return. I look frantic at Sarah and Bekah, at a complete loss. My hands are shaking. Then they each take on in their hands and we continue walking away from the wreckage behind us. Then I woke up.

I have never had a dream this vivid ever, at least that I can remember or simply remember at all. What do you think this means? I did sleep in a funky position. Maybe that helped bring this dream along. Or maybe it's from the G man.
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