22 Things I've Learned in 22 Years

Mar 10, 2008 00:16

I made a list like this a couple of years ago, but I thought I'd update it.  Here goes:

1. Adequate sleep makes more of a difference on your life than you would ever imagine.
2. Being friendly and open is more important to success than academic or professional prowess.
3.  Also important to success:  confidence, confidence, confidence
4.  (and a healthy dose of humility)
5.  Eat as many colors as possible, and I don't mean Red 40.
6.  Read everything.
7.  Always wrap presents.  Learn to wrap them perfectly, it's strangely satisfying.
8. Go out of your way to make someone happy.  Do it often.
9.  A genuine compliment can change someone's day.
10.  You can't trust everyone.
11.  Experimentation is beautiful.
12.  Take emotional risks...within reason.
13. Dance as much as humanly possible.
14.  Pay attention to your body and how it moves as you go about daily life.  It will keep you from existing only in your head.
15.  Orgasm.  Do it often.
16.   Give pleasure.
17.  Cook.
18.  Sometimes, play hard to get.  With the whole world.
19.  No one should be able to smell your perfume unless they lean in close.
20.  Embrace your inner (or very obvious) nerd.
21.  It's okay to be a music snob, especially if you like better music than everyone else.
22.  Be quiet. 
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