Every year I do a year end wrap up. I realize I never finished my journal from 2008's Road Trip. I'm going to try to reconstruct it and back date it, so it should show up.... Anyway, below is my review of my resolutions and predictions from 2008. Later today I'll do the same for 2009.
Okay, below are my '08 Resolutions, with how well I did in bold.
10. Read at least 12 new (to me) fiction books. Did not get this done. I'm still struggling to get back into reading for pleasure. I spend way too much time online. I'll try again this year.
9. Keep a garden alive from Spring until Fall. Another fail. But I do have a basil plant that is doing well. I got it a month or so ago, so hopefully I'll keep it alive this year!
8. Stay single until at least June 10th, 2008. Got that done! Stayed single until October, actually! Then the year got amazing!
7. No more drinking, etc. on work nights. This lasted a few months. I will try it again this year.
6. Finish my creative writing project. Not done, but a lot of progress. Hopefully I can get this done in '09
5. Loose 34 pounds by April 28th, 2008. Not done, but I did lose about 10 over the year, all told. At least I ended the year lighter than I began it!
4. Make it to the gym (or other workout) a minimum of 3 days a week. For much of the year I did this, and I could cheat and say I really did do it, since many weeks saw me getting to the gym at least 5 days a week, and occasionally I hiked as well. Another one I'll be renewing for 2009.
3. Develop and follow a diet for a calendar year. I was really good on the diet until about March. Off and on since.
2. No more checking Facebook, H2G2, LiveJournal, or any other networking site at work. I'm giving up on this one. Didn't happen.
1. Save up enough time and money to take a road trip to Austin in the fall. This one worked out really well!
Okay, now, on to my predictions. Again, commentary in bold.
10. The Oscars will be very last minute and rushed. I didn't even see them, actually. No idea how well or poorly they were put together
9. At least 2 new babies will be born to people I know. Yeah, that was kind of a no-brainer.
8. Amy and Mike will remain the world’s most awesome couple. Nope, Sharlot and I are the world's most awesome couple, but Amy and Mike are close!
7. I will have a major injury involving my apartment’s stairs. Nope!
6. My office’s case management system will crash and stay down for a month. No, it didn't stay down for a month straight, though I think it was down for at least a month total.
5. My brother will finally finish that math class. Indeed he did!
4. Laura Joy’s new CD will rock my socks in such a way that I will have to buy new socks. CD excellent, new socks purchased.
3. Gwen’s cat Elliot will get a guest spot on Mean Kitty. sadly, no
2. I will get an iPhone. Yes!
1. I will utterly fail at any attempt to get a new car. Also yes!