Not long after the above message goes out, and entirely unrelated to it, there suddenly is a Some in Amber's apartment, stumbling unsteadily to a stop in her kitchen, clutching a glass of something in both hands and looking rather as though he's already had too much. Also, covered in spattered blood.
He's trying very hard not to spill, but his motor functions are not up to par. It's... time to sit down. On the floor. He can lean on your fridge, right?
"I killed... I killed Augie. I ate him. And I bit someone in the Sanctuary, and Nyoka had to rescue Cuckoo from me and I raped Norman and I can't... I can't...." His voice breaks and drains away, and he just stares into his cup. Why did he come here?
"I... I never wanted..." It's hard to get the words out, sobbing this hard. "Just... I don't know how... why... And he's dead and Harbor, I can't!" Yeah, he's not making much sense.
And Some cringes, guilt and fear and everything. Norman! He struggles to get out of Amber's arms. "I should go, shouldn't have come, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I have to go!"
"No, no, no, no..." He doesn't want to face Norman right now, no. Curling up in her grasp with his arms over his head, because it's too late to run and he can't focus enough to teleport. Still sobbing, unable to catch his breath. "No, no, I'm sorry, go away, please, I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did it..."
Norman doesn't go away, though. He comes in, and follows Amber's example -- kneeling in front of Some, touching his arm carefully. "Some. Some, it's alright. I said it was, before. And it still is."
"I'm going crazy..."
Oh, Some.
And that's about when there's a loud feline yowl from the living room. And a familiar voice.
There's a soft thump, and a calico cat comes darting into the kitchen.
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