Nov 09, 2006 01:37
hey guys,
a few random snapshots of things that are happening to me:
So, I'm reading this book, its called Blue Like Jazz, and i'm only 30 pages into it but its my favorite book ever! I haven't really had time to read for fun lately so I started reading it on the way to classes. Since then, walking to class has been great.
"It was in the Commons where I met Laura, who, although she was an atheist, would teach me a great deal about God"
Alex, Almitra, and I bought stuff at the farmers market downtown today: a pepper that was half red and half green, basil, a stalk of sugar cane, and sketchy pepperoni cheese bread that me and Almitra are afraid is going to give us food poisoning.
Today I officially had the most awkward! hug of my life, and it was amazing. I almost lost an eye. It was one of those ones where you approach the hug from the left side but then, oh no! you switch to the right cuz they're going the same way. but then, because no one commits to a certain direction, you just end up headbutting really hard and the other persons glasses get smushed all up in your face. but it was probably worse for them.
crazy test week is over. its party time.