Player Information:
Name: Kat
crystalliumMethod of Contact: AIM: c4g3db1rd
Previous characters: N/A
Character Information:
Full Name: Artemis
Series: Young Justice
Canon point: post-Bereft
Age: 15
Species: Human
Her superhero outfit &
her causal outfit.Appearance upon arrival: She'll be in her causal outfit.
Character History:
Episode 6: Infiltrator•
Episode 7: Denial•
Episode 8: Downtime•
Episode 9: Bereft Personality:
Artemis is just like any teenager. She goes to school, she hangs out with friends. Her extracurricular activity? Fighting crime. Totally normal, right? In fact, Artemis is part of a group of six teenage sidekicks, each with a different ability.
If there's one thing that's obvious about Artemis, it's her attitude. She definitely has one, and even from the first moment she's seen, it radiates from her. If not clear from the smirk on her face, her body language speaks it. She cockily places her hands on her hips, leaning just enough to give her that look of attitude. She knows she's good, and she won't deny it. Even if asked, she'll proudly boast of her abilities. Proud? You bet.
When she doesn't like someone, it's easy to tell, too. Wally irritated her from the moment they met, and for a while, all they did was argue. She bosses him around, fusses at him, and even calls him names at times, such as 'miss manners.' In conversation with Megan, she even refers to him being full of it. Wally definitely annoys her, especially when he flirts with Megan. After Wally spent half of episode seven lying about believing in magic, Artemis finally snapped, yelling at him about lying and screwing everything up because he was trying to impress Megan.
She's definitely serious when necessary. She fussed at Wally when he was joking around when they were in the middle of a mission, showing she likes to remain focused on the task at hand. She's also tough, and apparently not afraid to kill if necessary. After forgetting the past six months in episode nine, she tells Wally her dad probably wants her to kill him. The casual way she says this shows what she's not afraid to do, but it also shows what she was raised to do. Though not revealed, it's apparent she's been through harsh training in wielding her bow.
Though tough in exterior, she's not all tough. She can be nice at times. She gets along well with Megan, especially, having rather girly conversations with her. She also gets frightened, actually crying out in fear when she woke up in an unknown place. She did recover quickly, going back and maintaining her image of unafraid. But the hesitation and fear came back when it came to Megan going into her mind and through her memories. She's unsettled by this because it means letting someone in. She's not one to grow close to others, and she certainly doesn't want anyone to see her past. Though hesitant with her new team, there is one she's close to; her mother. Whether she feels responsible for putting her mother in a wheelchair or not, she cares deeply for the woman and would do anything she asked of her.
It's obvious she's had a rough upbringing, but with her interaction with Cheshire, it's also clear she isn't a perfect angel either. Having a villain know her shows she was in with the wrong crowd at some point in time, but the fact that Green Arrow and Batman are covering for her also shows she ready to change her life and can be trusted.
Character Abilities: Artemis is very talented with a bow and arrow. She's very precise with her aim and rarely misses her mark. Though it hasn't been completely revealed in canon yet, she was clearly trained hard by her father in this art. As well as this, she also is a martial artist. She also has experience fighting crime, as she's been a part of the Young Justice team for a few months.
Possessions: She would have her bow, arrows, and sheath. She also has a small crossbow. As well as this, she would have her superhero outfit.
Anything else: Her full past hasn't really been revealed yet. As it is revealed, it is alright to go with her knowing it? It is her past, after all. Or do I need to just canon update her to the episodes when it comes up?
Action/Communication thread/post sample:
Sample from Splendorocity Trials. Sample from dear_mun post. Log/Prose sample:
A blond female grumbled, crossing her arms as she sat on the counter space of a certain kitchen in a certain Mount Justice. She sighed, rolling her eyes now. "Seriously? Why do you need me to help you make cookies, M'gann?" She muttered, seriously not liking this idea. Baking cookies, not her thing.
"Awww, come on, Artemis. You know you want to~" M'gann's warm smile was contagious. Though Artemis rolled her eyes again, a small smile appeared as she slipped off the counter.
"Okay, fine. But just this once. And don't you dare tell Wally." Her voice was a bit sharp as she said this. Seriously, if Wally knew, she would never, ever hear the end of it.
"Tell Wally what?" Speak of the devil. The red head in specific slid up in a flash, grinning ear to ear. Artemis' eye twitched just at the sight.
"Nothing." She was quick to respond, wanting him to get lost. If she was going to be baking cooking with M'gann, she did not want Wally around. He annoyed her to death as it was. If he saw her making cookies? He'd never let her live it down, and she wasn't in the mood for that.
"Artemis is helping me bake cookies!" And M'gann ratted her out. Artemis frowned, her arms crossing once more in a defensive pose.
"Ohohoh~ Well, now. Can't say I expected this. I didn't think you had a girly side." Wally's tease brought a glare to Artemis' face as she took a step towards him.
"Hey, watch it." She growled in response, not pleased by his snide comment. "I can be plenty girly!" Errr, not usually. Girly really wasn't her thing, but she had to make Wally wrong.
"Oh yeah? Dare you to wear a dress, then." Again, Wally's grin just made Artemis that much more angry.
"Uh, no. Not gonna happen." Did she even own a dress? Probably not.
"What, you scared or something?"
"Heck no! I just don't have to prove anything to an idiot like you!" More scowling, because Wally was really pushing it today. Gah, he made her so angry.
"Riiight. Well, looks to me you're just chicken." And cue the chicken noises. Wally laughed, beginning to walk around the kitchen, continuing with the noises.
"Wally!" That was the final straw. With a growl, she shot after him, of course being left in the dust. She didn't care. He was asking for it, so she was going to get him,
As continues another day in Mount Justice.